Friday, December 11, 2009

US Department of State alerted to US citizens possibly voting in Dominica elections editorial

The United States Department of State has been alerted to the hundreds of Dominicans expected to accept free plane tickets from the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) to return home to vote in the December 18 general elections.

The largely US citizens and green card holders have allegedly been recruited by staff of the Dominica Consulate in New York, and are expected to play a major role in the outcome of an election that from all reports is expected to be close.

Prior to 1967, United States citizens who opted to vote in foreign elections were routinely stripped of their citizenship.

However, this all changed after the landmark Supreme Court decision “Afrokim v Rusk 387 U.S. at 262” , which ruled 5-4 that the state could not take away the citizenship of anyone "born or naturalized in the United States unless he/she voluntarily relinquishes it.”

It is important to note that the persons most likely to travel to Dominica to vote are those who would have taken the oath of allegiance while becoming US citizens, which states: "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America........ "

Having taken the oath of allegiance to the United States while denouncing Dominica, it is important to ask why such persons should now exercise the right to vote in Dominica, which is a privilege reserved only for citizens.

More importantly, the thousands of Dominicans residing in the United States who are not citizens or green card holders and who would like to participate in the democratic process are not able to do so.

Most countries allow free and fair access to all their citizens by organizing either for absentee ballot or for voting in consulates in foreign countries.

In our view, this privilege should either be extended to ALL, or made available to NONE.

If the government is either unwilling or unable to provide equal access for all its citizens residing overseas, it should not selectively choose a few loyal supporters to fly to Dominica to most certainly influence the outcome of an election.

This action is morally wrong and makes a mockery of our democracy. No political party should take cover by use of such a brazen usurping of the will of its citizens. Elections then become a farce and open to influence from the highest bidder.

In the middle of the twenty-first century our democracy is floundering. Rather than sway the electorate on the strength of promises and prospects for a better tomorrow, there is an over reliance on bribes.

Planes and containers packed with ham, rice, and clothing for the unsuspecting voter replaces dialogue, sober discussion, and persuasion.

Pulsating music roars over reasoned reflection on our country’s future. No one appears to be accountable.

After the giddy round of free rum, t-shirts, caps and ham, we retire to five years of irrelevance awaiting the cycle to repeat itself. In the meantime the country dies.

When do we as a people mature? When do we grow up? What about the debating of ideas and ideals, of evoking the patriotic fervor. Instead, we shout hoarsely at each other through mean and demeaning e-mails, bellicose talk shows, and idle rhetoric.

We now know that the names of Dominicans on ‘the list’ has been forwarded to the State Department as it is petitioned to show that US citizens are on the verge of violating another country's laws.

The Dominican vote is for sale, the bribe red hot and wrapped in the price of a chartered flight from JFK airport.

Officials at the State Department have not discouraged the receipt of the list, nor indicated what action they will take. Clearly, those accepting the "free" tickets do so at their own risk.

Just where is our country headed? It’s like the world has gone mad. Usually reasonable people defend the indefensible.

A gallant knight in a seemingly last hoorah rises in pursuit of a country free of the shackles of the ‘black man’s curse', corruption, greed and moral decay; and is shot down.

Decent men point to the accumulation of television sets and mobile phones over rule of law and discipline. Guardians of the past absurdly confuse strong, confident statesmen with shadows of good leadership.

Caught in the middle are the confused masses, hoping for the best, and praying that their beloved country does not fall by the wayside. And all this time December 18, 2009 approaches.
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Nothing wrong in having green card holders vote. What is the big deal?

What can the US State department do? NOTHING. This article is designed to scare people. PLAIN & SIMPLE.

Dominicans have a right to go home whenever they want even if the ticket was purchased by a political party. Dominicans with Green cards only need their Green Cards to return to the US. US Citizens who also hold Dominican citizenship can travel whenever they want; it is not a crime to travel to Dominica around election time or Christmas time for that matter.

The is a Red Hearing.

Michael Davis, Esq.
I hear Gabriel writing articles for all kind of people, Frank Barron, Debbie Douglas etc etc - they all read like emotional diatribes.

Will Gabriel Christian leave his US passport at home when he goes home? Will Debbie Douglas leave her Canadian passport at home?

A Gabriel scorned makes a vengeful Christian - with friends like these who needs enemies?

Boy, an exclusive geothermal licenses not given sure lead to War of the Laborers for the Moral High Ground.

Have you ever heard of the Clean Hands Doctrine?

Get real people.

Shame, shame ...where was the outrage when this same thing was done in the last two elections? DLP, UWP have practiced this before, why didn't you "reasonable, educated men" not say a peep back then? I take strong objection to Dominicans selling out fellow Dominicans to the US authorities....this is wrong. If anyone is challenged on their return to the US and in doing so lose their status how will you guys feel? Are you prepared to help their families back home? Think my people, think long and hard. This is a dangerous road to take....
Michael Davis Esq. I see you are encouraging your fellow US citizens to engage in bribery. There is no issue if the individuals pay their own way. They SHOULD NOT accept bribes to vote, you should know that as an esteemed lawyer!!!

If it is ared herring then why is the State Department not telling the people making the complaints to go to hell??? THINK!!!!!
Kibosh and Michael where is the sense of outrage. Why are you two very intelligent gentlemen accepting this dispicable behavior. Will you now condemn those actions. Why is part disenfranchised and others bribed? Lets hear your views on that.

Charges that may be leveled against those traveling:

(1) Accepting bribes.

(2) Subverting the democratic process in a sovereign state

(3) Interfering with the rule of law...etc...
Boss stop spreading rumors! What would be of grave interest to the Dept. of States is the 65 billion dollars that the diaspora on a whole contribute to the South America and Caribbean economy without paying any taxes? Lost revenue to the Government.
A few questions:
1) What outcome is the person who is handing over the list of fellow Dominican's names, addresses and telephone numbers to the state department looking for?
a) That they be added to a watch list like terrorists in the "DIASPORA".
b) All be arrested and sent to jail, so we can all sit back and watch the spectacle unfold on the evening news?
c) Just Scare people into not taking the flight.

2) What oath have green card holders taken?
3) Will this list be handed over to the same democratic party who lost to George Bush while argueing that all votes should be counted including absentee ballots?
4) Will the government which spent $1B to elect Barack Obama insist on campaign finance reform in another country?
Why would Thompson Fontaine engage is stuff like that. Thompson I am shocked at your behaviour, I am really shocked.
To me what would be of most importance to the State Dep"t is the lost revenue that they could earn through taxation on the more than 65 BILLION DOllARS that the diaspora in South America and the Caribbean send to their familes each year.
You guys have been up here too long. I used to think Black on Black was relegated to the hood where people did not know better, but our educated ones have taken it to the next level. They have introduced the "Massa" concept learned from the colonisers.

Read Farrakhan's speach at the million man march.
"Sixty-eight years before our former slave masters permitted us to join the Christian faith. Listen to what he said. He said, "In my bag I have a fool proof method of controlling black slaves. I guarantee everyone of you, if installed correctly, it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves and I take these differences and I make them bigger. I use fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes."

I want you to listen. What are those three things? Fear, envy, distrust. For what purpose? Control. To control who? The slave. Who is the slave? Us.

Listen, he said, "These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and they will work throughout the south.

Now, take this simple little list and think about it. On the top of my list is age. But it's only there because it starts with an A. And the second is color or shade. There's intelligence, sex, size of plantation, status of plantation, attitude of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley or on a hill, north, east, south or west, have fine hair or course hair, or is tall or short.

Now that you have a list of differences I shall give you an outline of action. But before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust. And envy is stronger than adulation, respect, or admiration.

The black slave after receiving this indoctrination shall carry it on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years. Maybe thousands of years. Now don't forget, you must pitch the old black male against the young black male. And the young black male against the old black male.

You must use the female against the male. And you must use the male against the female. You must use the dark skinned slave against the light skinned slave. And the light skinned slave against the dark skinned slave.

You must also have your white servants and overseers distrust all blacks. But it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us.
They must love, respect, and trust only us.

"Gentlemen, these keys are your keys to control. Use them. Never miss an opportunity. And if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful. Thank you, gentlemen." End of quote. So spoke Willie Lynch 283 years ago
"Caught in the middle are the confused masses, hoping for the best, and praying that their beloved country does not fall by the wayside. And all this time December 18, 2009 approaches".
Strange that you would include a statement like that in your blog - seems to me you are also trying to do is scare the confused masses including the diaspora because your party seems not to be the party of favor in this elections - meanwhile hoping for the best, and praying that their beloved country does not fall by the wayside. And all this time December 18, 2009 approaches. Your words Sir!
Accepting a ticket to go to Dominica is not a bribe.

No individual accepting a free ride to Dominica is compelled to vote for any one party. They will be in the booth by themselves - if they chose to vote while on the island. In the mean time they will enjoy a holiday with their families.

If a Dominican citizen is registered to vote and he votes - how is that "subverting the democratic process in a sovereign state?"

The fact that the Dominican citizen is registered - he has a right to vote even if he traveled from NY to vote.

Do you really think the State Department knows where that list is located? As as individual who have lobbied ( and have interacted with these government departments - this list is not an issue unless it was in the national interest of the US.

Michael Davis, Esq.
Shock and Awe. Wow!!!! These people, are so desperate they are trying all kinds of scare tactics. That one is a classic though. Do you honestly think the US government gives a hoot about elections in Dominica? And further more legal residents ad people of dual citizenship are perfectly o.k. to vote. My parents are Canadian citizens and have voted in Dominicas election forever. I am a US resident and I vote freely in Canada's election. There is no risk. DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE SCARE YOU. The letter that was "sent" to the US officials is seating at the bottom of a shredder or in a dumpster ready to be taked to a ladfill hahahahahahahaha.
Look at what we have become. Tell me how many of you who lived in England, America, Canada and other Caribbean countries, who at one time were considered an undocumented resident of that particular country. Tell me, do you remember that gut wrenching fear that you had to live with for all these years? For fear that someone may rat you out and the immigration dept would deport you back to your homeland? Eh! Now that you are documented, maybe well established in your jobs in whatever country you reside in, you have the unmitigated gaul to place a blog on this website, threatening and siteing laws, talking about the how the State Dep’t could revoke people’s green cards or citizenship if they decide to exercise a right to participate in the future of their countries well being! Yes, do you remember those feelings? Do you think that what you are doing is right? Let your conscience be your guide … but I can bet you that someone in your immediate family may be affected. Why don’t you take that list and send it over to the immigration dep’t and let them check the status of all on the list. IAs that we’ve become!
Gabriel Christian, Why was it okay when you were an active member of the Dominica Labor Party to return to Dominica to vote while being a citizen of the United States of America? It is so plain to see that the DLP did not give you what you requested now you are bitter. What about the many dominicans in Dominica who are the holder of green cards and are voting? Are you going to report them too. So funny people.
This is silly copy.Let the interested parties pay the fares of their supporters. Sacerdotal coons are always full of morality while well-heeled parvenus stand by ready to dish out a shock of reality.
I have been one of the most vocal supporters of having the Diaspora vote in local elections and maybe one of the most bitter critics of the trend we see where political parties pay for persons to come and vote.

Unfortunately, my views have been distorted on local radio, so I will try to set the record straight. There is no law in the US against US citizens voting in foreign elections, so it is not illegal!!!!

It is however morally wrong for a party to pay for persons to come and vote specifically for that party. It is clear that both the UWP and DLP are guilty of this transgression; and it must be stopped. It erodes our democracy and given our size, the biggest bidder can buy the vote. Today it is the DLP and UWP, tomorrow it is some tyrant with loads of cash.

And this is not far-fetched. Let me share this with the readers. A few years ago, I was approached by a gentleman posing to be a rich American. He offered to fly me to Miami to discuss this matter with him. I refused to go to Miami, so we spoke by telephone.

Here is the gist of it and it explains why my skin crawls when I see our democracy usurped in that fashion. According to the gentleman, he had been to Dominica and found out that I may be an idle candidate to compete for leadership of the country.

He offered to finance the set-up of a new party with me at the head. I should not worry about cash. I would then select candidates who would be drawn with loads of cash. Here is the important part. Crucial to the success of his strategy would be to fly in persons from the Diaspora to vote. He had done his calculations and he figured that it would be relatively easy to bribe persons to vote for that party.

Needless to say I told him to shove it and ran away!!!!

Who is to say that this can’t be repeated, even through an existing party?

We should be equivocal on this, and preserve our democracy. If persons are invited to vote it should be open to ALL who would chose to do so, and not those who are paid to do so; a slippery slope to god knows where.

Again, in my opinion it is morally wrong to import hundreds of voters geared towards voting for a particular party where this group can easily determine the outcome. It makes a mockery of our democracy, and may very well be illegal. Even if it is not, it is WRONG and no party should take cover by use of such a brazen usurping of the will of the citizens. This privilege should either be open to ALL or made available to NONE!!!!
Let me share this with you and draw your own conclusions. In 2005, I went home to vote (paid my own way). I voted in Grand Fond. When I arrived to vote, I noticed that a friend of mine, had a clip board and was observing people as they came to vote and making notes.

After I voted, I went to him and he showed me the clip board. He was keeping a tally. Obviously he knew everyone in the village and he had a very reasonable (not absolute) idea of how everyone would vote.

After the results, I checked back with him. He had gotten the result correct to within 10 votes!!!!

It is very easy. You take the voters list, see who is still in the village; you get a rough idea of where people’s allegiance lies. You can then say, O.K. we need at least 20 more; maybe if we bring in 30 from the US then we guarantee the 20. The margins are SMALL. Castlebruce is a case in point in 2005; a one vote victory.

On the flight to Dominica, about 80% of the people flying with me from Puerto Rico had received tickets from the DLP to vote in Castle Bruce; they won by one vote…go figure. Let’s not take this lightly…… We are making a mockery of democracy; why have elections???

One more thing, if the DLP, which I supported wholeheartedly in 2005, is allowed to go through with their plans to bring them in according to the lists, then the campaigning might as well cease.

I will declare victory for the DLP right here and now……..It is not about a party in 2010, it is about our cherished Dominica in 2020!

WITHOUT (A) VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH!!!!!! Let's play by the rules and let the best man/party win!!!! To anonymous, what is "SHOCKING" about this principled position?
To anonymous asking the questions (You can't even put your name to those), Michael, kibosh and others.

Listen, the State Department will take action if persons are proven to have participated in bribery. Also, bear in mind that there is no law against the government taking action against its citizens if there is proof of wrong doing.

Voting overseas is not against the law; bribery in the execution of that right is a crime under the laws of the US and Dominica. On that basis the US can act against it citizens.

Accepting a paid ticket like this is BRIBERY under Dominica election laws (google dominica election laws and see for yourself).

Go ahead, accept your bribe, and lets see. Don't take my word for it. I know for a fact that this is being taken seriously by the State Department. Don't believe me? If you have a ticket call them to find out. Just ask a hypothetical question along the lines of "is it wrong for me as a US citizen to accept a paid ticket from a political party to vote in a foreign election?"

Then do all of us a favor and report truthfully on the response you receive. Don't take on the article, or Gabriel or the others. Do that for yourself and stop hiding under anonymous. Post your names like Gabriel, Shirley, Thompson and Finn.

These people have the power of their convictions. All you have is foolish staements like what happen to Gabriel, shocked at thopmson, crap.......
Barzey, you see what happens, Skerrit playing all you for fools. The man said that DOMINICA gave ANtigua 24 million and ANguilla 10 million. I heard him with my own ears. He never mentioned ECCB.

Skerrit now knows that he have allyou just where he wants. He can lie,cheat, take almost a million from the Treasury and we all say, the man nice, that is not corruption.

What is lying in public? God help us and the people like Barzey, Michael, Kibosh et al that continue to support that crap.

Fine, support your party, but for heaven's sake, condemn wrong when you see it...
Anonymous, why are you angry at the article. The laws of Dominica is clear on bribery. Why don't you address that. The state of moral decay is complete in Dominica. Nothing is wrong, all is right, make money and be happy. GOD HELP YUO FOLKS...
Joan : December 11, 2009 3:26 PM said: "I heard him with my own ears. He never mentioned ECCB".

Now read the report from DNO below:

Dominica gives money to Anguilla and Antigua to help their economies - Skerrit

Originally published: December 10, 2009 10:16:00 AM
Last updated: December 10, 2009 11:49:07 AM

Dominica has been assisting countries in the region to ride out the impacts of the global economic crisis.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announced at a Dominica Labour Party meeting in Bath Estate last night that just last week Dominica gave $12 million to Anguilla.

“Every single country in the world is being affected by this global crisis, but Dominica is faring better than most because of the strong fiscal policies and the prudent management of the country. Just last week, the government of Dominica had to give to the government of Anguilla some $12 million because things are difficult in Anguilla,” Skerrit said.

Skerrit said the monies were taken from the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB).

But Anguilla is not the only beneficiary. Skerrit also disclosed last night that government earlier this year made available funds to Antigua.

“In the month of August of 2009 we gave to Antigua over $24 million of our money and ECCB to help them, because the country is having difficulty,” he said.

“No longer is the Caribbean community looking down on Dominica. They are now looking up to Dominica… and all of you must be proud of that,” Skerrit told last night’s gathering.
Disgusted : December 11, 2009 3:20 PM

Read the above posting from DNO.

Lost of TRUTH is a lost of CREDIBILITY.
Jason : December 11, 2009 3:01 PM:

You don't reveal your full name BUT you find fault with "anonymous asking the questions (You can't even put your name to those), Michael, Kibosh and others"

Hypocritical come to mind reading your contribution.

Accepting a free flight to Dominica for a 4 or 10 day trip is not bribery - EVEN if its election day and you vote for one of the four parties.

US Embassies all over the world make arrangement for every American to vote whenever there is a US elections.

YOU STATE: "Voting overseas is not against the law; bribery in the execution of that right is a crime under the laws of the US and Dominica. On that basis the US can act against it citizens"

First the US CAN'T enforce Dominican Laws. No Jurisdiction.

BRIBERY: "The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties."

NOW - the expectation of a particular voluntary action in return is what makes the difference between a bribe and a private demonstration of goodwill.

A free ticket is offered to go to Dominica to vote. Similar to the arrangements made for US citizens to vote elsewhere in the world. The US brings the ballot box to its citizens - The Dominica government in a demonstration of goodwill is bring its citizens to the ballot box.

Who or what party the citizen votes for after arriving in Dominica is their personal and private business. If they are registered to vote - then they are not breaking any laws!

Michael Davis, Esq.
Michael you are wrong. The US only allows members of the armed services and embassy staff residing overseas to vote by absentee ballot.
Anonymous your post from DNO. EAT YOUR CRAW. The minister of finance from Antigua says he has absolutely no knowledge of receiving money from Skerrit. The guy is lying. He is so confident now that people like you swallow evrything he says and does that he attempts to lie with impunity.
Michael come on. The US brings the ballot box to ALL armed services and embassy staff. No one is left out. Skerrit is providing a favor for his supporters hence the charge of bribery. That is why this case is of such interest to them. If as you claim there is no harm done they would have dismissed the petition presented to them. To the contrary they have requested the proof. Try as you might you cannot erase that fact.

The US can act agaist their citizens if it is proven that they broke another country's laws. Bribery is also illegal in the US.
Jason : December 11, 2009 5:06 PM with NO LAST NAME:

All American citizens have the right to vote no matter where they are stationed or choose to live - anywhere in the world. Even the Americans at the Space Station, or the south pole station have the right to vote. It is NOT limited to members of the armed services and embassy staff. That is the law.

Research for yourself.

Michael Davis, Esq.
JAck James : December 11, 2009 5:08 PM:

The PM clearly stated that the money came for Dominica's reserves at the ECCB.

Read. It is unfortunate that the Antigua (anti Labor) Finance Minister chose to spin for political reasons. BUT you - why don't you read?
JAson : December 11, 2009 5:14 PM with NO LAST NAME:

First, your bluff is lame. Second, ALL Americans can vote by absentee ballot anywhere in the world. Third, the Dominica government or the Labor Party for that matter - in a goodwill gesture maybe chartering flights because of lack of seats on conventional airlines to bring Dominican citizens who are registered to vote home to vote.

Who they vote for is their own dame personal business.

No quid pro quo.

Where is the crime?

Michael Davis, Esq.
i read a few comments, very interesting views but the real issue is i am a civil servant in d/ca never had the urge to leave because i love my country very much and i will never denounce my citizenship for another. the hospitals here are not properly mentained with not enough medicines and medical equipment yet we can spend 22 million on an election. there are dominicans who never came to dominica cause they careless but a free ticket and money in their pocket will make them come to vote.. we stay here and feel the pain, no salary increase, bills get higher every month. SO DO YOU FEEL IT IS FAIR TO US WHO LEAVE HERE. i thought when people migrated to these developed countries their eyes open and they become wise, see things from different perspective, have a better understanding and they can actually teach us "dominican stay home bookies" that never leave about morality, honesty, loyalty, ethics. i have to say god bless and i hope you receive twice what you wish apon us..
when people in d/ca argue polictics and a point about corruption and theft is brought up, labourite excuses are skerrit did not steal treasury money and they say ron green and eddison on public accounts commity.. let me add the truth when a prime minister our president receives any financial instruments in his capacity as such the money belongs to the state. and if it is do not reache the treasure it is also theft. these men sell diplomatic passports take the state money last election to campagne and the very people with the passports are wisked through the VIP in melvillehall with brief case of money. secondly, the public accounts commity get information from the director of audit. if you know this man then he was placed there by skerrit, that man physically abused two employees and not placed on suspension, also he threaten to shoot micheal astaphans because micheal called his name in their programs. do you think ron our edison will get the cooperation they need?
Michael anybody has the right to vote in the US but the absentee ballot which is what we were refering to is only open to the armed forces and embassy staff.....
Dr Fontaine, i see that you are resorting to scare tactics against Dominicans. did u realize that you were telling the people that their citizenship cannot be revoked? if it were not legal to vote in a another country the US would not allow you to have dual citizen ship. Dominicans should not be scared into staying away if they get free trip to go home to vote. those who are here without the ability to go home to vote it is too bad so those who can go should not let the opportunity pass them by. doesn't Dr. Fontaine know what monetary contribution the diaspora make to the economic development of dominica? if we in the diaspora contribute so much money to the dominica economy why should we not have a say in who uses it? we are all dominicans DOH matter where we go so if we can go back to vote, even if its a free ticket we should be welcome home.
Jason : December 11, 2009 9:14 PM:

No Jason, NOT "anybody has the right to vote in the US" only US citizens, and, US citizens have the right to vote in a US election from anywhere in the world.

Again - you have a computer - USE the Google and do some research.

Michael Davis, Esq.
This is pure rubbish. Once a Dominican, always a Dominican. Voting in your country of birth can never be illegal. Us have no control of our country. The supreme ruled that the US government cannot take away your citizenship, even throuh natralization. So go home VOTE and spend the holiday with your family. Maybe this person should have google the US supreme court.
absolute hogwash
Where were all these ideaologies in the 2000 and 2005 general elections? were they at school or sleeping? I guess we should say 2 wrongs cannot make a right eh!!, if it was just that then there would be no problem, but the thing is when the opposition party is not in office they see all the faults of the ruling party, if they were the ones in office then they would have all the "kias" to take folks to DA to vote, they have no "kias" so they have to cry foul!!!, i hope that if they are elected to office they will be guided by the same principles, for as the old proverb would say "WHO SO NEVER LIKE SO"
It is unfortunate that the owners of this website allows any rubbish to be published on their site. But to the victor goes the spoils. The question I ask is where was this outrage in 2000?

Selective Morality is evident on this webpage...Jokers abound!
I am so sorry for all those who are going to vote in Dominica for the elections, you all are not hearing what is going on all the lies from the p.m. good luck
Whay spoils are there in Dominica. All I see is misery. Young people have no jobs, they killing each other; the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer. Dominica is second only to Haiti. To which spoils you refer.

Every Dominican that has the opportunity runs away? What kind of country is Skerrit and his abators building. DA is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the Caribbean.

Thousands stolen from the Treasury and Dominicans say nothing; kids beg on the street, go to bed hungry, parros patrol the streets, agriculture fields in decline, drugs are rampant. WHAT SPOILS?

Poor Dopwell was used. hartley Henry writes a letter that the PM reads to the nation and yet we say nothing. For those of you that support that nonsense, history will be very unkind to you. I hope you have kids; look into their faces and ask them what example is the PM setting.
Are we aware that the list is just a list? It is not accurate. My sister’s names are on there and they have no plans to go home. They were not even aware that this was going on. They had no intention of going home to vote because of prior engagements for that same date. The sad thing is if something really comes out of this, they would be screwed for something they were not a part of. They are indeed out of the country for that period of time, however the trip does not include Dominica. So far, majority of the people that I heard are going down names are not on the list. This list thing is point blank ridiculous. It is not fair to pluck registered voters in close villages who are citizens of the US and say they are going home to vote.
To Anonymous : December 11, 2009 10:03 AM, you said that you are a US Resident and voted in Canada, please this is not true, i am a Dominican by birth and now a Canadian Citizen how is it that i cannot vote in the US, please tell the truth, the only USA resident who have the privilege to vote in Canada are Canadian Citizen residing in USA,please Dominican visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website and learn the truth , this person is nothing but a liar as Skeritt, to Vote in Canada one have to be over 18 years old and a Canadian citizen, for sure the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration of Canada need to read this post which i will definitely contact my MP regarding this posting,before leaving DA in the 70s, i worked as a registering officer in my village, some of my responsibilities were to update villagers information, be it through birth, death,or migration, to my knowledge whenever someone left DA, after six months theirs names would be removed, on the voters list.
Someone said what is it for us Dominicans residing outside of DA, it means much to all of us regardless of which party we would like to see win the election, we are not out there receiving hand outs, we have to work through all type of weather to take care of ourselves and our families back home, our contribution to DA is very huge, what you people should do is to ask Skeritt to do an audit of all the banks, western union, money gram and the rest to see the amount of money that we out there sen each year, not the mention houses the houses that are be built by we Dominicans out their

It is sad to see that Haitians residing in DA have more right in the Land of Our Birth then we who left DA for a better future and is being criticized. Yes there are Dominicans out their who are undocumented, but to say the least they are out their working hard, so please don't hate give us a break, the issue is not with Baron, nor Shirley, nor Debbie, nor Christian, nor OJ, and the rest of us Dominican who have every right whatsoever to express our constitutional rights, it is with Skeritt corruption, greed, lies and where DA is heading, and please Dominican don't be fool by the lies that the labour party supporters are posting out their, these people cannot be trusted no way they need to go, this labour party is not the party i voted in the past, good luck Dominica, good luck
Taking us for fools eh? I listened to Skerrit he said he gave monies to the islands ,There is no where in his statement he mentioned about Eastern Caribbean bank. We can all understand .You will fool some people but not all the people.Just a few ate their school feel.
OK...Snap Poll...who has changed their minds on which party they would vote after reading such drivel which passes as news worth at the top?

US Department of State alerted to US citizens possibly voting in Dominica elections

Not a single one of you.

I am convinced that the owners of this website was promised something by UWP/DFP....
It is obvious that the opposition parties (UWP, DFP) are trying to scare Dominicans living in the US from returning home to vote. Dominica and the US allows dual citizenship and if you are a citizen, then you have the right to vote in general elections. In Dominica, supporters drive people to polling stations to vote! They are not driving non supporters, they drive people they know that support their party. This is no different than providing plane tickets to supporters to come home to vote. Some provide air transportation and others provide land transportation. That talk about list to the State Dept. is just a scare tactic. Do you think the US cares about election in Dominica? There is no list and if there was one I guarantee you no one can find that list right now. UWP and DFP must stop using scare tactics because it will not work.

Those of us who figure that the offer of a ticket to come down to vote is just an offer and not bribery thats all right! when next we have a gwopel for carnival and or creole festival next year and the year after we should just go to the labor party or any other party to get a ticket or a plane. I want to see if they will then offer you a free ticket or a charter flight mark you just as important it is to to support our culture and our status as the host of the World Creole Music Festival, not there in allyou skin allyou will have to take out allyou had US Dollars to come down. Can't we see the connection the free flight and free ticket is to influence the election nothing else. Do you guys really think that Labor party will blindly offer tickets and flights to persons coming to vote against them. so it is a selective process designed to influence the outcome of the election in certain constituencies and that is morally and principally wrong it has nothing to do with Dominicans coming home to vote in the general sense; it is selected persons supporting a certain party coming home to derail the democratic process. Not all things that can not be proven illegal are right. Murderers escape and other criminals escape even when the evidence is clear as day but that does not mean that they did not commit murder or the crime. So stop looking for all kinds of technicalities to justify the wrong ...its like saying it is wrong but I in it evendoh.. I agree and I am in favor with those who express the right to vote whether resident in or out of Dominica and in such arguments we need to pursue electoral reform so that all Dominicans so desired are allowed so to do on a level playing field. The way it is structured now means that who has the most means gets the most votes. That my friends can never be right. In the competitive World of sports right now they are trying to allow fairness by not allowing the more lucreative clubs to buy out all the top or best players simply so as to have a balance and to have fair play, similarly we should discourage any political party or process which uses their means to buy votes and buy the elections..
Nothing wrong in coming down to vote. Well when next it have village council election in the village you all come from come down to patriotic lets start at the grass roots. We need to strenghten the local government processes and more or most importantly it is your right whetehr you have green card or citizenship; you can even ask the candidates to send you all tickets or pay a charter that will be even more patriotic.. wicked Dominicans.
I hope after the election the PM take all the evil detractors to court for them to show their proof that he commited a crime. Dominica always had bobol, and by some of the ones writing on their fear campaign. When some were Prime Minister, what did they do for D/a that is more than what Skerit has been doing. Is this what is bobol or corruption? Jealousy will do anything. I hope this guy wins -he needs time to finish what he started so that no one coming in can say they are the ones who did this or that. For D/a to do better the attitude of the people have to change - it is not Sketit alone who will change D/a it's all of Us.
You must start the change. Rearrange your own mind set. Get wise.

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