Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mixing God religion and politics in Dominica
By Dr Emanuel Finn
Historically the church in Dominica has always managed to avoid politics and has for the most part struck to a defined role as spiritual houses for the people.
Lately there has been a refreshing and proud presence of brilliant native born and raised priests and pastors who are highly educated, vocal, patriotic and opinionated. Some in this group hold no secret to the political party and candidates they support and some have gone as far as campaigning for their political party and candidate of choice.
Partisan politics now reigns in the house of the lord almighty and in its church yards. This dangerous paradigm shift represents a break with the accommodating and conservative past. Today’s clergy are butting heads and throwing themselves and the church into politics mêlée.
Politics today has a profound impact on this new genre of Dominican clergy. This in turn is having a profound impact on how the people view them and the church’s role in society. But the nation, the church hierarchy and authority must be careful and double vigilant that some members of the clergy might be straying too deep into partisan politics.
The church should engage in public policy issues, debates and endeavours instead of politics. Partisan politics has the very real potential of dragging this noble and holy institution into disarray and confusion with long lasting effects.
Members of the clergy must be mindful that their public and not so secret association and involvement in politics can result in loss of respect as they can be viewed as instruments and agents of politicians and political parties.
What ‘colour’ robe will you be wearing this Sunday Father at the 9:00 a.m mass? Is it red, blue or green? Maybe you should wear white or brown Father. What colour tie are you wearing this Sunday Pastor?
I learned more than thirty years ago in that small Catholic church in La Plaine that the church’s role is to prepare and encourage the congregation, community and country to a spiritual togetherness, higher understanding, tolerance, sisterhood and brotherhood.
The church should continue to pray for strength, humility and fortitude for our country, people and political leaders. Beyond the question of strategic advantage and influence by the clergy in certain constituencies and the political parties they support, lies the gray area where voters and people’s impression of personal and civic morality of these religious men overlap.
The Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency professes to be a Born Again Christian and preacher but Petter St. Jean is arrogant and quick to condemn, insult and demonize anyone who does not support him or his party.
Any biblical scholar will tell you that this behavior and conduct is not in keeping with basic Christian–Judaism doctrines, values and practices. Rather it is the work and behaviours of Beelzebub, Lucifer and other false prophets and messengers who call God’s name in vain.
Nonetheless, ‘Brother’ St. Jean is in church on Sunday mornings singing and praising God for his goodness and kindness-‘Yes God is great all the time people and he is a forgiving God.’ The powerful prayer comes to mind here: ‘Father forgive our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
According to the book of Galatians 6:7, many churches will reap what they have sown. Today, many seem to be losing their respect, and influence as well as their parishioners. Such a trend is quite noticeable in Europe and the United States.
According to the Journal Christianity Today, ‘Now the great cathedrals of Europe serve not as houses of worship but as museums, empty of all but tourists’. The same trend can be observed in other parts of the world.
Is there a possibility that the Dominican church can be viewed as false religion because of their cozy relationships with politicians and their political involvement?
Can the church just fade away from a lack of legitimate and popular support when the politicians and political parties they support are no longer in power? Will the younger folks identify with them and their tarnish reputations not as spiritual houses but as religious political camps?
And how will true worship be affected long term as the churches continue to mix the potent combination of religion and politics?
Our churches and its leaders need to display more responsible leadership and worry more about spirituality and healing and less about religion, political positioning and posturing. A great deal is at stake for the church as a cornerstone institution and bedrock of our society and the sustainable well being of our country and its people.
Historically the church in Dominica has always managed to avoid politics and has for the most part struck to a defined role as spiritual houses for the people.
![]() Dr Emanuel Finn. |
Lately there has been a refreshing and proud presence of brilliant native born and raised priests and pastors who are highly educated, vocal, patriotic and opinionated. Some in this group hold no secret to the political party and candidates they support and some have gone as far as campaigning for their political party and candidate of choice.
Partisan politics now reigns in the house of the lord almighty and in its church yards. This dangerous paradigm shift represents a break with the accommodating and conservative past. Today’s clergy are butting heads and throwing themselves and the church into politics mêlée.
Politics today has a profound impact on this new genre of Dominican clergy. This in turn is having a profound impact on how the people view them and the church’s role in society. But the nation, the church hierarchy and authority must be careful and double vigilant that some members of the clergy might be straying too deep into partisan politics.
The church should engage in public policy issues, debates and endeavours instead of politics. Partisan politics has the very real potential of dragging this noble and holy institution into disarray and confusion with long lasting effects.
Members of the clergy must be mindful that their public and not so secret association and involvement in politics can result in loss of respect as they can be viewed as instruments and agents of politicians and political parties.
What ‘colour’ robe will you be wearing this Sunday Father at the 9:00 a.m mass? Is it red, blue or green? Maybe you should wear white or brown Father. What colour tie are you wearing this Sunday Pastor?
I learned more than thirty years ago in that small Catholic church in La Plaine that the church’s role is to prepare and encourage the congregation, community and country to a spiritual togetherness, higher understanding, tolerance, sisterhood and brotherhood.
The church should continue to pray for strength, humility and fortitude for our country, people and political leaders. Beyond the question of strategic advantage and influence by the clergy in certain constituencies and the political parties they support, lies the gray area where voters and people’s impression of personal and civic morality of these religious men overlap.
The Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency professes to be a Born Again Christian and preacher but Petter St. Jean is arrogant and quick to condemn, insult and demonize anyone who does not support him or his party.
Any biblical scholar will tell you that this behavior and conduct is not in keeping with basic Christian–Judaism doctrines, values and practices. Rather it is the work and behaviours of Beelzebub, Lucifer and other false prophets and messengers who call God’s name in vain.
Nonetheless, ‘Brother’ St. Jean is in church on Sunday mornings singing and praising God for his goodness and kindness-‘Yes God is great all the time people and he is a forgiving God.’ The powerful prayer comes to mind here: ‘Father forgive our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
According to the book of Galatians 6:7, many churches will reap what they have sown. Today, many seem to be losing their respect, and influence as well as their parishioners. Such a trend is quite noticeable in Europe and the United States.
According to the Journal Christianity Today, ‘Now the great cathedrals of Europe serve not as houses of worship but as museums, empty of all but tourists’. The same trend can be observed in other parts of the world.
Is there a possibility that the Dominican church can be viewed as false religion because of their cozy relationships with politicians and their political involvement?
Can the church just fade away from a lack of legitimate and popular support when the politicians and political parties they support are no longer in power? Will the younger folks identify with them and their tarnish reputations not as spiritual houses but as religious political camps?
And how will true worship be affected long term as the churches continue to mix the potent combination of religion and politics?
Our churches and its leaders need to display more responsible leadership and worry more about spirituality and healing and less about religion, political positioning and posturing. A great deal is at stake for the church as a cornerstone institution and bedrock of our society and the sustainable well being of our country and its people.
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is this the best you can do in the name of fair and unbiased journalism? What was the point of this article of yours? Was it to educate the public or was it to squeeze in a cheap shot at the Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency?
If your article was to educate the public, I am sad to tell you that you didn’t achieve this task as you chose to tarnish what could have been a really good piece with cheap political shots. In the future, if you intend to bless us with your smarts, it would be best for you to give examples from all sides and let the people make up their own minds.
The white man has for years used this sought of writings to fool us and force us to a particular point of view and today or very own people, educated in the ways of the white exploiters, are using these very tactics to fool us and rob us from our individual thinking!
Do try again but this time just educate.
is this the best you can do in the name of fair and unbiased journalism? What was the point of this article of yours? Was it to educate the public or was it to squeeze in a cheap shot at the Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency?
If your article was to educate the public, I am sad to tell you that you didn’t achieve this task as you chose to tarnish what could have been a really good piece with cheap political shots. In the future, if you intend to bless us with your smarts, it would be best for you to give examples from all sides and let the people make up their own minds.
The white man has for years used this sought of writings to fool us and force us to a particular point of view and today or very own people, educated in the ways of the white exploiters, are using these very tactics to fool us and rob us from our individual thinking!
Do try again but this time just educate.
Open minded please talk to the La Plaine folks then you will understand your candidate’s behaviour in the constituency. Maybe some one needs to pull St. Jean aside and talk to him about his behaviour and the manner he interacts with the folks who don’t support him. He is very condescending and down right rude. One example is that he publicly called the leader of the Opposition lazy. Is that behaviour that should be tolerated?
Someone needs to call him on that. I took it as my responsibility as a La Plainian and Dominican to do so------ Sure I understand that when one gets personal then you dimiinish the value of the message. But sometimes that is necessary to do so. We need leadership real ‘Open minded’—that’s what I am talking about Sir. We will not seat idly and watch folks abuse our people while we stand and wait for a better day- we will push back in best way we can—of course it will always have to be peaceful and non–violent. And if I may respond to you further Sir—that has nothing so with the White man—that was a stretch. If I can suggest maybe it has to do with leadership---folks who lead your organization are unable or unwilling to reign in or provide wise counsel to their subordinates….I appreciate your professional feedback and for respectfully disagreeing with me and my article – Thanks Open Mind.
Emanuel Finn
Someone needs to call him on that. I took it as my responsibility as a La Plainian and Dominican to do so------ Sure I understand that when one gets personal then you dimiinish the value of the message. But sometimes that is necessary to do so. We need leadership real ‘Open minded’—that’s what I am talking about Sir. We will not seat idly and watch folks abuse our people while we stand and wait for a better day- we will push back in best way we can—of course it will always have to be peaceful and non–violent. And if I may respond to you further Sir—that has nothing so with the White man—that was a stretch. If I can suggest maybe it has to do with leadership---folks who lead your organization are unable or unwilling to reign in or provide wise counsel to their subordinates….I appreciate your professional feedback and for respectfully disagreeing with me and my article – Thanks Open Mind.
Emanuel Finn
Finn, but the man Peter is very correct. Ron Green is a lazy individual.
BTW, were you the one who advised Ron Green on building of a Secondary School and a College in La Plaine?
Why didn't he do it when he was Min of Education.
The Man is Lazy...He gots to go....we need Peter in La Plaine now
BTW, were you the one who advised Ron Green on building of a Secondary School and a College in La Plaine?
Why didn't he do it when he was Min of Education.
The Man is Lazy...He gots to go....we need Peter in La Plaine now
Zapper is still reading to listening. How dare you people, how dare you? If only you know who that Peter is? This man cannot light a candle to Ron when it comes to working HARD for the community. Peter started doing little things in the community only when they recruited him as a politican.. The RECORD speaks for itself, none of the silly mapious that Peter id famous for throwing can or will change the facts.. Peter the christian needs to repent for his lying tounge, I think he knows what the bible says about a lying tonge.. Peter the politican needs to learn some behaviorial skills. Being in the mud like a pig can only serve one purpose hurt the people who you think threatens you. Peter has betrayed his God for money and power. He has turned into both licifer and Judas Escariot in one person. IF he still believes there is a hell, according to the bible he pretened to Chrish unti he met Skeritt, he place is there wating for him.. He might drop the pepper, because fire and pepper is a deadly mix.
You didn’t understand what I was saying in my 1st response to your article. First of all I need to tell you that I am political neutral and supports no one party. Secondly, I was of the opinion that The was an informative and educative news media that gave us, especially we Dominicans in the Diaspora, unbias news and information from our motherland. Simply put, I wasn’t aware that The was politically associated to any political party or candidate. And so, I didn’t expect any article from this media to be politically associated to any political party or candidate.
This article of yours was titled: Mixing God religion and politics in Dominica. That topic was a nice general topic that could have been used to educate the masses about the ills of mixing religion and politics. If it was titled “Petter St. Jean is an arrogant Preacher”-or something like that, then I could understand where you were coming from and your political agenda would have been clear and to the point. But the fact that you chose to use a broad and very general title about mixing religion and politics in Dominica and chose to write it in an assumed unbiased information and news media (subject to correction) should bind you to keep to a level of neutrality. This level of neutrality should have forced you to give examples (if examples strengthened your article) of political candidates on different sides Where that practice is done.
My problem with your article is simple. You used an eye-catching, general topic to force your political views to the people. This style has been used by the colonial exploiters against our people for years to fool us and force us to a particular point of view. After reading your article I came to the conclusion that it was not your intention to educate the masses about the good or bad of mixing God religion and politics in Dominica but instead you wrote all this with your misleading topic just to squeeze in a cheap shot at the Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency.
Emanuel, if you have something to say, then just say it. But don’t beat around the bush with words…for I would not have even wasted my time and read your article were it not for the topic you used!
You didn’t understand what I was saying in my 1st response to your article. First of all I need to tell you that I am political neutral and supports no one party. Secondly, I was of the opinion that The was an informative and educative news media that gave us, especially we Dominicans in the Diaspora, unbias news and information from our motherland. Simply put, I wasn’t aware that The was politically associated to any political party or candidate. And so, I didn’t expect any article from this media to be politically associated to any political party or candidate.
This article of yours was titled: Mixing God religion and politics in Dominica. That topic was a nice general topic that could have been used to educate the masses about the ills of mixing religion and politics. If it was titled “Petter St. Jean is an arrogant Preacher”-or something like that, then I could understand where you were coming from and your political agenda would have been clear and to the point. But the fact that you chose to use a broad and very general title about mixing religion and politics in Dominica and chose to write it in an assumed unbiased information and news media (subject to correction) should bind you to keep to a level of neutrality. This level of neutrality should have forced you to give examples (if examples strengthened your article) of political candidates on different sides Where that practice is done.
My problem with your article is simple. You used an eye-catching, general topic to force your political views to the people. This style has been used by the colonial exploiters against our people for years to fool us and force us to a particular point of view. After reading your article I came to the conclusion that it was not your intention to educate the masses about the good or bad of mixing God religion and politics in Dominica but instead you wrote all this with your misleading topic just to squeeze in a cheap shot at the Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency.
Emanuel, if you have something to say, then just say it. But don’t beat around the bush with words…for I would not have even wasted my time and read your article were it not for the topic you used!
Open Minded:
My article was a sincere one with a generic political agenda. Obviously you firmly disagree. You are taking a few lines from the article and making hay with it. Well that is your prerogative. By the way thanks for reading the article and I hope you enjoyed the rest of it besides the section on St. Jean.
Look I was eluding to a section which followed my pattern of writing:
The church should continue to pray for strength, humility and fortitude for our country, people and political leaders. Beyond the question of strategic advantage and influence by the clergy in certain constituencies and the political parties they support, lies the gray area where voters and people’s impression of personal and civic morality of these religious men overlap.
The Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency professes to be a Born Again Christian and preacher but Petter St. Jean is arrogant and quick to condemn, insult and demonize anyone who does not support him or his party.
Any biblical scholar will tell you that this behavior and conduct is not in keeping with basic Christian–Judaism doctrines, values and practices. Rather it is the work and behaviours of Beelzebub, Lucifer and other false prophets and messengers who call God’s name in vain.
Nonetheless, ‘Brother’ St. Jean is in church on Sunday mornings singing and praising God for his goodness and kindness-‘Yes God is great all the time people and he is a forgiving God.’ The powerful prayer comes to mind here: ‘Father forgive our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
Given my style of writing I could have mentioned someone on the opposite side as well but I did not have an example so I gave what I had researched and was confident it was accurate. What’s wrong with that? Of course I could have omitted that section but I feel very strongly about it and it was a good example of what’s happening on the ground. Personally I am very disturbed and disappointed by the level of discourse that is taking place in La Plaine with St. Jean. It is shameful and does not represent the place where I grew up. One has to expose hypocrisy wherever it exits. Especially if it has far reaching implications. That is the central issue Open Minded. .I decided to start in my home. I will speak to it whenever I have an audience who will read or listen.
I am not sure I agree with your colonial analogy here: Look -we all know what is happening on our island home with respect to politicians of all colours and stripes. So what is the big deal of making an example of one offender? Next time I will sure make an example of a politician of the side which you think I support. But who ever I support is inconsequential to the larger issues that this article tried to drive home. The issue is to educate as you claim and I think I not only attempted to educate but also to inform. Of course the reader is left to draw his/her own conclusions.
My political agenda is simple: Rid Dominica of all politicians who are not up to the task. If you don’t agree with this position then you haven’t been following the situation in Dominica. I happen to know the situation in La Plaine very well and I thought I would start there.
I will leave it there.
Emanuel Finn
My article was a sincere one with a generic political agenda. Obviously you firmly disagree. You are taking a few lines from the article and making hay with it. Well that is your prerogative. By the way thanks for reading the article and I hope you enjoyed the rest of it besides the section on St. Jean.
Look I was eluding to a section which followed my pattern of writing:
The church should continue to pray for strength, humility and fortitude for our country, people and political leaders. Beyond the question of strategic advantage and influence by the clergy in certain constituencies and the political parties they support, lies the gray area where voters and people’s impression of personal and civic morality of these religious men overlap.
The Labour party candidate for the La Plaine constituency professes to be a Born Again Christian and preacher but Petter St. Jean is arrogant and quick to condemn, insult and demonize anyone who does not support him or his party.
Any biblical scholar will tell you that this behavior and conduct is not in keeping with basic Christian–Judaism doctrines, values and practices. Rather it is the work and behaviours of Beelzebub, Lucifer and other false prophets and messengers who call God’s name in vain.
Nonetheless, ‘Brother’ St. Jean is in church on Sunday mornings singing and praising God for his goodness and kindness-‘Yes God is great all the time people and he is a forgiving God.’ The powerful prayer comes to mind here: ‘Father forgive our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us’.
Given my style of writing I could have mentioned someone on the opposite side as well but I did not have an example so I gave what I had researched and was confident it was accurate. What’s wrong with that? Of course I could have omitted that section but I feel very strongly about it and it was a good example of what’s happening on the ground. Personally I am very disturbed and disappointed by the level of discourse that is taking place in La Plaine with St. Jean. It is shameful and does not represent the place where I grew up. One has to expose hypocrisy wherever it exits. Especially if it has far reaching implications. That is the central issue Open Minded. .I decided to start in my home. I will speak to it whenever I have an audience who will read or listen.
I am not sure I agree with your colonial analogy here: Look -we all know what is happening on our island home with respect to politicians of all colours and stripes. So what is the big deal of making an example of one offender? Next time I will sure make an example of a politician of the side which you think I support. But who ever I support is inconsequential to the larger issues that this article tried to drive home. The issue is to educate as you claim and I think I not only attempted to educate but also to inform. Of course the reader is left to draw his/her own conclusions.
My political agenda is simple: Rid Dominica of all politicians who are not up to the task. If you don’t agree with this position then you haven’t been following the situation in Dominica. I happen to know the situation in La Plaine very well and I thought I would start there.
I will leave it there.
Emanuel Finn
So Emmanuel Finn, I am hereby telling you, that we in LaPlaine will get rid of Ron Green wether you like it or not.
Ron Green is not up to task and he has failed us miserably. We need new energy, new focus and Ron time has come and gone some 5 to 10 years ago.
So stop the endless writing about Ron Green and let we the people of La Plaine chart a new course.
You have said don't live in La stop it.
Ron Green is not up to task and he has failed us miserably. We need new energy, new focus and Ron time has come and gone some 5 to 10 years ago.
So stop the endless writing about Ron Green and let we the people of La Plaine chart a new course.
You have said don't live in La stop it.
Zapper's wish- Dominicans please teach those politicians a lesson, set your standards, determine the quality of the people who will be your SERVANTS- Do not support or vote for any candidate who cannot speak to the issues, instead they give their opponnents mapouis. Show them you know you deserve better than that. If they will not raise the bar, you can force them to, let them know that we will not be voting for any pigs bathing in laboue. Leave them in their laboue where they belong, and vote for decent, intelligent, people that will elevate the standards in our ministry, not bring it down to the gutter. Peter is in the laboue, let him stay there with the pigs
This is a very good article indeed and highlights the grass roots of the issue, Dominica is in real danger of becoming a dictatorship and Skerrit has a clear mandate to do just that, Skerrit is copying Chavez in many areas pay rises to civil servants and the like, whilst it is not a bad thing in principle it is npt seen as reasonable to those left out, a wide ranging minimum earnings increase would have been prefered, Chaves has givewn huge raises to the armed froces and security personel, why because he needs as many freinds as he can get and so does Skerrit, what we have is a dictator in the making wait and see.
This jumble of words is intellectually inconsistent with logic or objective reasoning. Reading this opinion was a pure waste of time - it is politically bias garbage.
Michael Davis
Michael Davis
Why does the editor allow this 'VIEW' to be published here repeatedly.
I have an opposing view that I'd like to submit for publication.
I have an opposing view that I'd like to submit for publication.
Well the Bi-elections will be called Sir. Your party's stance has landed it into trouble. By Prevost going to parliament on day three, it tells that your party or Mr. Prevost himself, did not want to run the risks of any short-coming during a bi-election, as they are well aware that he is standing in muddy water.
You are an educated man or one who claims to be, and therefore my request to you is that you advice the two fallen that they need to act responsibly upon winning those bi-elections which i know they will in fact win whenever the votes are counted. The country has had enough of this BULL SHIT Sir.
You are an educated man or one who claims to be, and therefore my request to you is that you advice the two fallen that they need to act responsibly upon winning those bi-elections which i know they will in fact win whenever the votes are counted. The country has had enough of this BULL SHIT Sir.
Hahaha! a country deserves the Government it gives itself and Dominica deserves their Government 10 fold! Give it a rest, let them stew in their own brew!
This is a sad day in the Dominica. A day when our elected leaders, "ALL OF THEM" currently sit on their hands and offer no better leadership and vision that we have seen for a number of years now. They offer no compromise on setting a higher standard of governance. Everybody is playing ‘in your face’ politics. When is it going to stop my friends? When the Chinese complete their mission of taking over Roseau and the Red Army moves in? Are you telling me in a small country like ours folks cannot find a middleground and compromise in spite political differences? Where is the leadership I ask? Where is the church? Where is the social league? Where are our institutions we relied on to talk to your leaders? Everyone is playing politics.
This article was a policy article and is about lack of leadership, myopia and the failure of our institutions. The PM, the Opposition, the courts and the advisors on both sides and yes the Speaker of the House have all failed us. When is this going to stop? What is going to be achieved with bi elections in Marigot and on the coast? Maybe Alix Boyd-Knight needs to answer that question. Maybe the PM needs to answer that question. Maybe the courts need to answer that question. Maybe the UWP needs to answer that question. More hatred, more division, more spending, more mayhem …more of the worst in us will come out. Is this leadership and a sense of collective community I ask? We are fooling no one but ourselves.
Why don’t we engage in other substantial issues that affect our people and country like the Visa regime which the U.K is about to impose on our country. Why don’t our leaders abolish the economic citizenship program which allows Russians, Chinese and others who are up to no good to flash our passports all over the world? These are the policy discussions our so called leaders should be engaging in. Not trying to beat up on one another. You folks want to play politics and while our country is burning?
At this time I support Dominica and I am pleading with everyone to do so. She needs your support and prayers because our country is on the edge of a precipice.
This article was a policy article and is about lack of leadership, myopia and the failure of our institutions. The PM, the Opposition, the courts and the advisors on both sides and yes the Speaker of the House have all failed us. When is this going to stop? What is going to be achieved with bi elections in Marigot and on the coast? Maybe Alix Boyd-Knight needs to answer that question. Maybe the PM needs to answer that question. Maybe the courts need to answer that question. Maybe the UWP needs to answer that question. More hatred, more division, more spending, more mayhem …more of the worst in us will come out. Is this leadership and a sense of collective community I ask? We are fooling no one but ourselves.
Why don’t we engage in other substantial issues that affect our people and country like the Visa regime which the U.K is about to impose on our country. Why don’t our leaders abolish the economic citizenship program which allows Russians, Chinese and others who are up to no good to flash our passports all over the world? These are the policy discussions our so called leaders should be engaging in. Not trying to beat up on one another. You folks want to play politics and while our country is burning?
At this time I support Dominica and I am pleading with everyone to do so. She needs your support and prayers because our country is on the edge of a precipice.
I duh no, but TDN is not the greatest when to comes to judgements about what should be published and what should not be! The persons concerned really need review their policies. Or this medium will be another Dominican joke!
Zapper is happy to see that there is another zapper! Zap them Zapper! Zapper is chiling out and just reading and watching, and laughing at the fools in the fools paradise!
The Original Zapper
The Original Zapper
Dr. Finn
I could not have said it better. That Michael Davis guy sounds like a SUCKASS to me. Is he looking for a handout from Skerrit. I get the feeling from his response that he is singing for his super. Or, maybe he is looking for his pocket before the bank in venezuela closes its coffers. Keep on telling it like it is Dr. Finn for its people like you who will eventually have the last laugh. I feel for poor Ma Dominique.
I could not have said it better. That Michael Davis guy sounds like a SUCKASS to me. Is he looking for a handout from Skerrit. I get the feeling from his response that he is singing for his super. Or, maybe he is looking for his pocket before the bank in venezuela closes its coffers. Keep on telling it like it is Dr. Finn for its people like you who will eventually have the last laugh. I feel for poor Ma Dominique.
Dr. Finn
I want to be very charitable on this one unlike Michael Davis although I believe that he is very correct with his assesment of this article.
I always learnt that in any Democracy the Minority will have its say while the Majority SHALL have its way. It seems to me that a very vocal Dominican Minority both local and in the diaspora, of which Dr. Finn is part, would like to have its way over the Majority. A most virulent form of Dictatorship is what Dr. Emmanuel Finn would like to have imposed on the Dominican Majority.
Every opportunity in being used to give Dominica a bad image by this vocal minority. Dr. Finn being one of the ring leaders. How can you claim to love Dominica the land of your birth?
I would like to ask Dr. Finn when last he visited Dominica and how long did he stay. Has he visited Dominica from January 7, 2004. The date from which Honourable Skerrit became Prime Minister.
It is clear to me that Dr. Finn writings can easily be compared to Roro coming after a few drinks of Maho Whishy in the LAB in Mahaut.
I would like Dr. Finn to provide the evidence of the harsh assessment conducted by credible external agencies, when the IMF, World Bank, ECCB, Eoroppean Union, Caribbean Development Bank, CIDA, etc have all complemented and commended the Government of Dominica for its effort in turning the Dominican economy around and the level of fiscal prudence being employed. Dr. Finn's article is solely based on hear say ("Roro") based on his political hatred of one man Roosevelt Skerrit.
Dr. Finn are you satisfied that if the International Community were not satisfied with the leadership of the country they would be pumpimg so much unprecedented levels of development assistance? As I write the EU is spending in Dominica well over EC$300M on projects. Last year the EU provided EC$66 Million in direct budgetary support over its program support of EC$300M. This year Dominica is earmarked to receive EC$75 Million from the EU as direct budgetary support. Does not that say something about the leadership of the country?
Dr. Finn things that could not be done in years in Dominica are now happening. Please come and visit your country, land at the almost new Melville Hall Airport, drive through Pond Casse to Canefield see the level of work being undertaken their. Drive to Trafalgar and see the vast improvements being undertaken on our roads. Its like driving in New York.
Can you remember the small ST. Aruma back road? this is now a high way with two lane traffic properly lighted with international road markings. Things are happening Dr. Finn under the leadership of Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.
It is time that we as Dominicans start celebrating the positive things that are happening in the country instead of this negative, hatred and destroying comments that we write just to destroy one individual.
Why put the house on fire just to destroy the rat?
Dominica is ours to build and love with or without Skerrit. Let us embrace that opportunity. As a trained person, you need to cultivate your mind away from that crass political biasness and hatred that seriously affect your way of thinking
Jude Nicholas
I want to be very charitable on this one unlike Michael Davis although I believe that he is very correct with his assesment of this article.
I always learnt that in any Democracy the Minority will have its say while the Majority SHALL have its way. It seems to me that a very vocal Dominican Minority both local and in the diaspora, of which Dr. Finn is part, would like to have its way over the Majority. A most virulent form of Dictatorship is what Dr. Emmanuel Finn would like to have imposed on the Dominican Majority.
Every opportunity in being used to give Dominica a bad image by this vocal minority. Dr. Finn being one of the ring leaders. How can you claim to love Dominica the land of your birth?
I would like to ask Dr. Finn when last he visited Dominica and how long did he stay. Has he visited Dominica from January 7, 2004. The date from which Honourable Skerrit became Prime Minister.
It is clear to me that Dr. Finn writings can easily be compared to Roro coming after a few drinks of Maho Whishy in the LAB in Mahaut.
I would like Dr. Finn to provide the evidence of the harsh assessment conducted by credible external agencies, when the IMF, World Bank, ECCB, Eoroppean Union, Caribbean Development Bank, CIDA, etc have all complemented and commended the Government of Dominica for its effort in turning the Dominican economy around and the level of fiscal prudence being employed. Dr. Finn's article is solely based on hear say ("Roro") based on his political hatred of one man Roosevelt Skerrit.
Dr. Finn are you satisfied that if the International Community were not satisfied with the leadership of the country they would be pumpimg so much unprecedented levels of development assistance? As I write the EU is spending in Dominica well over EC$300M on projects. Last year the EU provided EC$66 Million in direct budgetary support over its program support of EC$300M. This year Dominica is earmarked to receive EC$75 Million from the EU as direct budgetary support. Does not that say something about the leadership of the country?
Dr. Finn things that could not be done in years in Dominica are now happening. Please come and visit your country, land at the almost new Melville Hall Airport, drive through Pond Casse to Canefield see the level of work being undertaken their. Drive to Trafalgar and see the vast improvements being undertaken on our roads. Its like driving in New York.
Can you remember the small ST. Aruma back road? this is now a high way with two lane traffic properly lighted with international road markings. Things are happening Dr. Finn under the leadership of Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.
It is time that we as Dominicans start celebrating the positive things that are happening in the country instead of this negative, hatred and destroying comments that we write just to destroy one individual.
Why put the house on fire just to destroy the rat?
Dominica is ours to build and love with or without Skerrit. Let us embrace that opportunity. As a trained person, you need to cultivate your mind away from that crass political biasness and hatred that seriously affect your way of thinking
Jude Nicholas
Dr. Finn
I want to be very charitable on this one unlike Michael Davis although I believe that he is very correct with his assesment of this article.
I always learnt that in any Democracy the Minority will have its say while the Majority SHALL have its way. It seems to me that a very vocal Dominican Minority both local and in the diaspora, of which Dr. Finn is part, would like to have its way over the Majority. A most virulent form of Dictatorship is what Dr. Emmanuel Finn would like to have imposed on the Dominican Majority.
Every opportunity in being used to give Dominica a bad image by this vocal minority. Dr. Finn being one of the ring leaders. How can you claim to love Dominica the land of your birth?
I would like to ask Dr. Finn when last he visited Dominica and how long did he stay. Has he visited Dominica from January 7, 2004. The date from which Honourable Skerrit became Prime Minister.
It is clear to me that Dr. Finn writings can easily be compared to Roro coming after a few drinks of Maho Whishy in the LAB in Mahaut.
I would like Dr. Finn to provide the evidence of the harsh assessment conducted by credible external agencies, when the IMF, World Bank, ECCB, Eoroppean Union, Caribbean Development Bank, CIDA, etc have all complemented and commended the Government of Dominica for its effort in turning the Dominican economy around and the level of fiscal prudence being employed. Dr. Finn's article is solely based on hear say ("Roro") based on his political hatred of one man Roosevelt Skerrit.
Dr. Finn are you satisfied that if the International Community were not satisfied with the leadership of the country they would be pumpimg so much unprecedented levels of development assistance? As I write the EU is spending in Dominica well over EC$300M on projects. Last year the EU provided EC$66 Million in direct budgetary support over its program support of EC$300M. This year Dominica is earmarked to receive EC$75 Million from the EU as direct budgetary support. Does not that say something about the leadership of the country?
Dr. Finn things that could not be done in years in Dominica are now happening. Please come and visit your country, land at the almost new Melville Hall Airport, drive through Pond Casse to Canefield see the level of work being undertaken their. Drive to Trafalgar and see the vast improvements being undertaken on our roads. Its like driving in New York.
Can you remember the small ST. Aruma back road? this is now a high way with two lane traffic properly lighted with international road markings. Things are happening Dr. Finn under the leadership of Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.
It is time that we as Dominicans start celebrating the positive things that are happening in the country instead of this negative, hatred and destroying comments that we write just to destroy one individual.
Why put the house on fire just to destroy the rat?
Dominica is ours to build and love with or without Skerrit. Let us embrace that opportunity. As a trained person, you need to cultivate your mind away from that crass political biasness and hatred that seriously affect your way of thinking
Jude Nicholas
I want to be very charitable on this one unlike Michael Davis although I believe that he is very correct with his assesment of this article.
I always learnt that in any Democracy the Minority will have its say while the Majority SHALL have its way. It seems to me that a very vocal Dominican Minority both local and in the diaspora, of which Dr. Finn is part, would like to have its way over the Majority. A most virulent form of Dictatorship is what Dr. Emmanuel Finn would like to have imposed on the Dominican Majority.
Every opportunity in being used to give Dominica a bad image by this vocal minority. Dr. Finn being one of the ring leaders. How can you claim to love Dominica the land of your birth?
I would like to ask Dr. Finn when last he visited Dominica and how long did he stay. Has he visited Dominica from January 7, 2004. The date from which Honourable Skerrit became Prime Minister.
It is clear to me that Dr. Finn writings can easily be compared to Roro coming after a few drinks of Maho Whishy in the LAB in Mahaut.
I would like Dr. Finn to provide the evidence of the harsh assessment conducted by credible external agencies, when the IMF, World Bank, ECCB, Eoroppean Union, Caribbean Development Bank, CIDA, etc have all complemented and commended the Government of Dominica for its effort in turning the Dominican economy around and the level of fiscal prudence being employed. Dr. Finn's article is solely based on hear say ("Roro") based on his political hatred of one man Roosevelt Skerrit.
Dr. Finn are you satisfied that if the International Community were not satisfied with the leadership of the country they would be pumpimg so much unprecedented levels of development assistance? As I write the EU is spending in Dominica well over EC$300M on projects. Last year the EU provided EC$66 Million in direct budgetary support over its program support of EC$300M. This year Dominica is earmarked to receive EC$75 Million from the EU as direct budgetary support. Does not that say something about the leadership of the country?
Dr. Finn things that could not be done in years in Dominica are now happening. Please come and visit your country, land at the almost new Melville Hall Airport, drive through Pond Casse to Canefield see the level of work being undertaken their. Drive to Trafalgar and see the vast improvements being undertaken on our roads. Its like driving in New York.
Can you remember the small ST. Aruma back road? this is now a high way with two lane traffic properly lighted with international road markings. Things are happening Dr. Finn under the leadership of Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.
It is time that we as Dominicans start celebrating the positive things that are happening in the country instead of this negative, hatred and destroying comments that we write just to destroy one individual.
Why put the house on fire just to destroy the rat?
Dominica is ours to build and love with or without Skerrit. Let us embrace that opportunity. As a trained person, you need to cultivate your mind away from that crass political biasness and hatred that seriously affect your way of thinking
Jude Nicholas
First of, let me start by saying, ‘The Custodians of Dominica’s Democracy is the people’ The people have spoken at the polls, it is not what Dr Finn writes about or think.Yes, you are entitle to have an opinion, but your opinion is not the Custodian of Dominica’s Democracy. The allegations of irregularities brought up by the UWP are before the Courts, the Courts have to decide, not you. You keep sounding like a stuck record playing the same tune over and over. Is it not time to move on.
It is very laughable when you said that the Government should negotiate with the Opposition. What is there to negotiate?You question the Leadership of the Country, well if you think that you can do better and give better Leadership come on down, take the plunge, you got Five yrs to prepare for the next election. By you writing and spewing out your opinion week after week does not solve any of the problems facing Dominica, you have to do more than just writing about what you think and what you believe that’s easy, remember Politics is not a bad profession,if you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
It is very laughable when you said that the Government should negotiate with the Opposition. What is there to negotiate?You question the Leadership of the Country, well if you think that you can do better and give better Leadership come on down, take the plunge, you got Five yrs to prepare for the next election. By you writing and spewing out your opinion week after week does not solve any of the problems facing Dominica, you have to do more than just writing about what you think and what you believe that’s easy, remember Politics is not a bad profession,if you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
First of, let me start by saying, ‘The Custodians of Dominica’s Democracy is the people' The people have spoken at the polls it is not what Dr Finn writes about or think. Yes you’re entitled to have an opinion, but your opinion is not the Custodian of Dominica’s Democracy. The allegations of irregularities brought up by the UWP are before the Courts, the Courts have to decide, not you. You keep sounding like a stuck record playing the same tune over and over. Is it not time to move on?
It is very laughable when you said that the Government should negotiate with the Opposition. What is there to negotiate? You question the Leadership of the Country, well if you think that you can do better and give better Leadership come on down, take the plunge, you got Five yrs to prepare for the next election. By you writing and spewing out your opinion week after week does not solve any of the problems facing Dominica, you have to do more than just writing about what you think and what you believe that’s easy, remember Politics is not a bad profession If you succeed there are many rewards, but if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
It is very laughable when you said that the Government should negotiate with the Opposition. What is there to negotiate? You question the Leadership of the Country, well if you think that you can do better and give better Leadership come on down, take the plunge, you got Five yrs to prepare for the next election. By you writing and spewing out your opinion week after week does not solve any of the problems facing Dominica, you have to do more than just writing about what you think and what you believe that’s easy, remember Politics is not a bad profession If you succeed there are many rewards, but if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
Finn stop writing these articles for attention and then post anonymous statements promoting them. This is truly narcissitic megalomanic bull.
Hey Jude I fully agree with you. You wrote,’Dominica is ours to build and love with or without Skerrit. Let us embrace that opportunity'.
Let's think of ways and embrace opportunities where we can find common ground and work together. We need to talk to one another before it is too late in spite of bitter personal and political differences.
Hopefully the court will issue an expedient ruling in June and we can move on.
That is the basis of my article.
Have a good day.
Emanuel Finn
Let's think of ways and embrace opportunities where we can find common ground and work together. We need to talk to one another before it is too late in spite of bitter personal and political differences.
Hopefully the court will issue an expedient ruling in June and we can move on.
That is the basis of my article.
Have a good day.
Emanuel Finn
A dictator is not necessarily bad for a country where people are incapable of getting anything done by consensus. Dominica in particular, needs a tyrant to get rid of the rampant laziness and preoccupation with politics.
People who are satisfied with the filthiness called Roseau should not be allowed to speak, much less vote!
People who are satisfied with the filthiness called Roseau should not be allowed to speak, much less vote!
mr nicholas ,whilst you are on the topic of qouting all these development statistics ,could ou provide me with the accurate figure of unemplyment in dominica, our true debt to gdp reatio and our level of poverty
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