Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Prime Minister Skerrit erred in not attending conference
By Dr Emanuel Finn
What was dubbed a unity conference in Roseau by a group of professional Dominicans residing in the Diaspora and Dominica was snubbed by prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit.
Instead of addressing the conference, the prime minister, the minister responsible for Diaspora affairs and his entire government boycotted it. Did he help himself and more importantly our country with this immature and shameful behavior? Well maybe he and his handlers believe so. He certainly did not show leadership in the manner he handled the visitors.
Real leaders confront their enemies and detractors head on and even try to win them over. Bullies and cowards run away and hide among the safety of their supporters, henchmen and protectors when confronted.
Whether you like or dislike the Diaspora Unity group, their big egos, strong personalities and dispositions on issues, as an elected leader it is the prime minister’s duty to welcome and demonstrate to them that Dominica belongs to them as well.
These are folks like you Mr. prime minister who hail from all corners and the belly of Dominica. They are not from Guangdong province, China Sir. The prime minister is suppose to be the leader of all; the ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ and he should have exercised ‘Carpe Diem’—Seize the Day.
The concept that anthropologists call 'Transnational Space' come to mind. The manner in which civil society links individuals into groups that span frontiers, both geographic and socioeconomic.
The link between transnational organizations and the developrime ministerent of citizenship has generally been explored in terms of the results within countries, and how national manifestations of global movements impact the fabric of democracy. Transnational collaboration especially within organized Diaspora groups lead to developrime ministerent opportunities and is a win-win satiation for progressive counties.
One example is the new Israeli Ambassador to Washington was born and raised in New Jersey and attended Columbia and Princeton Universities.
The most worrying aspect of Skerrit is his volatility and the troubling and unpredictable trajectory when dealing with controversial issues of national importance and confident opponents.
Instead of exercising mature diplomacy, we have on our hands an immature political leader who is driven by his own myopic concerns and interests rather than by clearly defined aims and interests of our country.
This kind of behavior has become routine in the arena of domestic politics, where its negative consequences tend to be contained and promoted by some members of the media and by his party.
However, such irresponsible grandstanding in the sphere of Diaspora relations can have far more destructive consequences. It can unleash a dynamic of reaction and counter-reaction, where at a certain point ‘fighting words’ serve as a prelude to real and sustain developrime ministerent.
This fantasy of Skerrit is that he boasts that he will win all 21 seats or at least 16 and more. If that is indeed the case, then it overlooks the fact that big money and hand outs play a huge part in our relatively feeble economy and platform politics where issues and policies are not examined closely.
Yes, our country possesses natural beauty and other important commodities, but it is in a political quandary where easy and cheap political money talks and few people ask real questions.
Where is all this money coming from and how is it accounted for? Are we making a deal with the devil and is Dominica for sale as a result? There is little doubt that Dominica is dominated by a self-serving prime minister, who if not checked, in time is capable of anything.
Please let history be our guide---remember ‘Colonel’ John and his militia- the Dominica Defense Force?
According to the Inter-American Developrime ministerent Bank in Washington DC, in 2006 the value of remittances that Dominica received from the Diaspora amounted to about 181 million dollars.
Does Skerrti know or understand the barrel economy? Oh no...As long as he is the ‘top dog’ very little else matters. Is Skerrit’s belligerent behavior consistent with the fact that he did not earn the office of prime minister in the first place? This high office was dropped in his lap after the tragic deaths of two prime ministers while in office and he was the only one left standing? (Sorry for this reminder-may their souls RIP).
As my late grandmother would constantly recite to us in La Plaine, ‘You cannot appreciate fully what you have if you bought it cheaply or you have not worked hard and scarified to acquire it’.
It will take more for serious people to respect Skerrit-more than his Jing ping and quadrille dancing before a national crowd. More than his grandstanding to show folks who is the boss man and in charge.
What is puzzling about Skerrit’s ill response to the unity conference is that back in April he sent a congratulatory message to a member ( not the group) embracing the group’s effort at its highly successful NYC conference and pledged to work with them.
Could Skerrit have made an opening short statement and go about this merry way? Where were the elder statesmen like Charles Savarin and Chares Maynard—'the good Fredomites' to provide wise counsel to the young and inexperienced prime minister? No, juvenile diplomacy does not and cannot result in adult, mature and respected democracy and leadership.
Simplistic commentators and supporters of Skerrit will claim that their man did the right thing by ignoring a bunch of folks from America who have no new ideas or money.
They will characterize them as a lynch mob waiting for an opportunity’ to jump’ at the prime minister. Should Dominica and its sons and daughters be treated and disrespected in such a shameful manner?
But how do they deal with Mr. Chavez and the Venezuelan shutting down the airport with no notice and no regard for our sovereign. I heard your apology Mr. prime minister but how can you apologize for the foreign folks actions and deplore and ignore our folks? Easily, especially if they give you lots of money it to run your campaign with impunity.
Of course this writer is thankful to the Venezuelan government for its support-but I think this relationship needs to be better managed. By the way how are plans for the coffee plant going and was it your idea Mr. prime minister or that of comrade Chavez?
Unfortunately, there may be a more dangerous force at work here.
Is Skerrit trying to provoke and let loose local ‘actors’ to embark and exploit the fragile ideological differences between Dominicans and their Diasporas counterparts for his political gain during the upcoming elections sensing that he has lost the Diaspora support?
Forget Dominica as long as he is the top dog that is what that counts. Civil society and' the good freedomites' who have defected to his side need to call Skerrit on this shameful and juvenile act.
This pathetic spectacle might be funny if it was not so serious. Only this time, we need clear and experienced leadership to work out the dynamics to help our island home put present and past petty differences between Diaspora and our folks in perspective and move on with the business of Dominica.
Where was the rest of the government? They have surely succeeded in making themselves look like little boys and girls in a big world. Small-minded politicians who cannot see beyond their chances in the election and bowing obediently to their dear leader. Mixing up geo-political strategy with domestic political ‘games’ in this way is a dangerous and unforgiving business.
Congratulations to the organizers of the Unity conference and thanks to the political leadership who attended and put forth their plans for our island nation. I must tell you that your work, love and dedication to our island home is much appreciated and is not lost.
Such behavior by our elected prime minister and government makes it a sad day for Dominica. In the process it diminishes all of us all of us who share Dominica’s ideals, hopes and dreams.
Take heed in the fact that you have emphatically demonstrated the unconditional love for the land of your birth. You are winners and this writer wants to thank you on behalf of all our people who have left our shores and also our forbearers who gave us the confidence to do so.
I hope you had an enjoyable time at home and God’s speed and safe travels back to the places you now call home away from your real home.
What was dubbed a unity conference in Roseau by a group of professional Dominicans residing in the Diaspora and Dominica was snubbed by prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit.
![]() Dr Emanuel Finn. |
Instead of addressing the conference, the prime minister, the minister responsible for Diaspora affairs and his entire government boycotted it. Did he help himself and more importantly our country with this immature and shameful behavior? Well maybe he and his handlers believe so. He certainly did not show leadership in the manner he handled the visitors.
Real leaders confront their enemies and detractors head on and even try to win them over. Bullies and cowards run away and hide among the safety of their supporters, henchmen and protectors when confronted.
Whether you like or dislike the Diaspora Unity group, their big egos, strong personalities and dispositions on issues, as an elected leader it is the prime minister’s duty to welcome and demonstrate to them that Dominica belongs to them as well.
These are folks like you Mr. prime minister who hail from all corners and the belly of Dominica. They are not from Guangdong province, China Sir. The prime minister is suppose to be the leader of all; the ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ and he should have exercised ‘Carpe Diem’—Seize the Day.
The concept that anthropologists call 'Transnational Space' come to mind. The manner in which civil society links individuals into groups that span frontiers, both geographic and socioeconomic.
The link between transnational organizations and the developrime ministerent of citizenship has generally been explored in terms of the results within countries, and how national manifestations of global movements impact the fabric of democracy. Transnational collaboration especially within organized Diaspora groups lead to developrime ministerent opportunities and is a win-win satiation for progressive counties.
One example is the new Israeli Ambassador to Washington was born and raised in New Jersey and attended Columbia and Princeton Universities.
The most worrying aspect of Skerrit is his volatility and the troubling and unpredictable trajectory when dealing with controversial issues of national importance and confident opponents.
Instead of exercising mature diplomacy, we have on our hands an immature political leader who is driven by his own myopic concerns and interests rather than by clearly defined aims and interests of our country.
This kind of behavior has become routine in the arena of domestic politics, where its negative consequences tend to be contained and promoted by some members of the media and by his party.
However, such irresponsible grandstanding in the sphere of Diaspora relations can have far more destructive consequences. It can unleash a dynamic of reaction and counter-reaction, where at a certain point ‘fighting words’ serve as a prelude to real and sustain developrime ministerent.
This fantasy of Skerrit is that he boasts that he will win all 21 seats or at least 16 and more. If that is indeed the case, then it overlooks the fact that big money and hand outs play a huge part in our relatively feeble economy and platform politics where issues and policies are not examined closely.
Yes, our country possesses natural beauty and other important commodities, but it is in a political quandary where easy and cheap political money talks and few people ask real questions.
Where is all this money coming from and how is it accounted for? Are we making a deal with the devil and is Dominica for sale as a result? There is little doubt that Dominica is dominated by a self-serving prime minister, who if not checked, in time is capable of anything.
Please let history be our guide---remember ‘Colonel’ John and his militia- the Dominica Defense Force?
According to the Inter-American Developrime ministerent Bank in Washington DC, in 2006 the value of remittances that Dominica received from the Diaspora amounted to about 181 million dollars.
Does Skerrti know or understand the barrel economy? Oh no...As long as he is the ‘top dog’ very little else matters. Is Skerrit’s belligerent behavior consistent with the fact that he did not earn the office of prime minister in the first place? This high office was dropped in his lap after the tragic deaths of two prime ministers while in office and he was the only one left standing? (Sorry for this reminder-may their souls RIP).
As my late grandmother would constantly recite to us in La Plaine, ‘You cannot appreciate fully what you have if you bought it cheaply or you have not worked hard and scarified to acquire it’.
It will take more for serious people to respect Skerrit-more than his Jing ping and quadrille dancing before a national crowd. More than his grandstanding to show folks who is the boss man and in charge.
What is puzzling about Skerrit’s ill response to the unity conference is that back in April he sent a congratulatory message to a member ( not the group) embracing the group’s effort at its highly successful NYC conference and pledged to work with them.
Could Skerrit have made an opening short statement and go about this merry way? Where were the elder statesmen like Charles Savarin and Chares Maynard—'the good Fredomites' to provide wise counsel to the young and inexperienced prime minister? No, juvenile diplomacy does not and cannot result in adult, mature and respected democracy and leadership.
Simplistic commentators and supporters of Skerrit will claim that their man did the right thing by ignoring a bunch of folks from America who have no new ideas or money.
They will characterize them as a lynch mob waiting for an opportunity’ to jump’ at the prime minister. Should Dominica and its sons and daughters be treated and disrespected in such a shameful manner?
But how do they deal with Mr. Chavez and the Venezuelan shutting down the airport with no notice and no regard for our sovereign. I heard your apology Mr. prime minister but how can you apologize for the foreign folks actions and deplore and ignore our folks? Easily, especially if they give you lots of money it to run your campaign with impunity.
Of course this writer is thankful to the Venezuelan government for its support-but I think this relationship needs to be better managed. By the way how are plans for the coffee plant going and was it your idea Mr. prime minister or that of comrade Chavez?
Unfortunately, there may be a more dangerous force at work here.
Is Skerrit trying to provoke and let loose local ‘actors’ to embark and exploit the fragile ideological differences between Dominicans and their Diasporas counterparts for his political gain during the upcoming elections sensing that he has lost the Diaspora support?
Forget Dominica as long as he is the top dog that is what that counts. Civil society and' the good freedomites' who have defected to his side need to call Skerrit on this shameful and juvenile act.
This pathetic spectacle might be funny if it was not so serious. Only this time, we need clear and experienced leadership to work out the dynamics to help our island home put present and past petty differences between Diaspora and our folks in perspective and move on with the business of Dominica.
Where was the rest of the government? They have surely succeeded in making themselves look like little boys and girls in a big world. Small-minded politicians who cannot see beyond their chances in the election and bowing obediently to their dear leader. Mixing up geo-political strategy with domestic political ‘games’ in this way is a dangerous and unforgiving business.
Congratulations to the organizers of the Unity conference and thanks to the political leadership who attended and put forth their plans for our island nation. I must tell you that your work, love and dedication to our island home is much appreciated and is not lost.
Such behavior by our elected prime minister and government makes it a sad day for Dominica. In the process it diminishes all of us all of us who share Dominica’s ideals, hopes and dreams.
Take heed in the fact that you have emphatically demonstrated the unconditional love for the land of your birth. You are winners and this writer wants to thank you on behalf of all our people who have left our shores and also our forbearers who gave us the confidence to do so.
I hope you had an enjoyable time at home and God’s speed and safe travels back to the places you now call home away from your real home.
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Dr. Finn Stop being a hypocrite! You behave like a little boy just like Skeritt, with your family. Please! I know the same grand mother you speak baout hated hypicrites.. She called them snakes.
My friend you have become very bitter. Still consider you a bright and honorable citizen. But lately your articles are filled with venom
This man is what we call in Venezuela a "pitiyanqui" which means a local at the service of the empire who has sold his ethics to the highest bidder.
How was the New York Unity & Progress conference "Highly Successful"???? Can we see the pictures of the multitudes who attended?
Dominicans, here we go again shooting the messenger. Why not take issue with the article rather than the author? Is what he saying true? Did the PM act immaturely forgetting that he is PM of Dominica and not a select few. What is the issue of the Garraway Hotel?
Why was the government absent? Are they fatigued? overwhelmed by the burden of governing or just too busy looking for the next BOBOL? What are they planning to buy from Dopwell next?
Where is the vision for Dominica? All weighty issues yet we spend our time criticising Dr Finn who is neither PM nor elected.
Why was the government absent? Are they fatigued? overwhelmed by the burden of governing or just too busy looking for the next BOBOL? What are they planning to buy from Dopwell next?
Where is the vision for Dominica? All weighty issues yet we spend our time criticising Dr Finn who is neither PM nor elected.
Dr. Finn
Were you at the first conference? Can you remember the level of political and personnal bashing the Hon Skerrit received? If you were in Mr. Skerrit place would attend this time around?
By the way, where are the proposals comming from the first conference which was requested by Mr. Skerrit? What concrete measures Dominica has derrived from the first conference?
You guys organised a conference in Dominica, the presenters were mostly of persons who on a daily basis criticise the government. There were no government technical persons involved to make presentations. Why was the Financial Secretary Mrs Rosemond Edwards invited to make a presentation or Mr. Sam Carrette or Swinburn Lestrade? Why not Alwin Bully or Mac Marie on culture and the music industry? These people there work is visible for all to see. They do not just talk. Most of the local presenters are just talkers and not achievers. What has Athie Martin achieved in Dominica? Just TALK nothing sucessful to show.
Your so called conference was all void of any concrete meaningful and feasible proposals all talk and talk is cheap.
PM Skerrit and his Cabinet are bright people to know when not to attend any so called conference and the people support him for that.
Some of you guys believed that you could manipulate PM Skerrit via remote control but a rude awakening awaits those of you.
By the way you stated he has "lost support of the Diaspora" would he regain it by attending?. The time is comming when we Dominicans will speak again in the ballot box. I sincerely hope the peoples voice will be heard loudly.
Jude Nicholas
Labour Party Supporter.
PS to everyone, please save the personnal vilification.
Were you at the first conference? Can you remember the level of political and personnal bashing the Hon Skerrit received? If you were in Mr. Skerrit place would attend this time around?
By the way, where are the proposals comming from the first conference which was requested by Mr. Skerrit? What concrete measures Dominica has derrived from the first conference?
You guys organised a conference in Dominica, the presenters were mostly of persons who on a daily basis criticise the government. There were no government technical persons involved to make presentations. Why was the Financial Secretary Mrs Rosemond Edwards invited to make a presentation or Mr. Sam Carrette or Swinburn Lestrade? Why not Alwin Bully or Mac Marie on culture and the music industry? These people there work is visible for all to see. They do not just talk. Most of the local presenters are just talkers and not achievers. What has Athie Martin achieved in Dominica? Just TALK nothing sucessful to show.
Your so called conference was all void of any concrete meaningful and feasible proposals all talk and talk is cheap.
PM Skerrit and his Cabinet are bright people to know when not to attend any so called conference and the people support him for that.
Some of you guys believed that you could manipulate PM Skerrit via remote control but a rude awakening awaits those of you.
By the way you stated he has "lost support of the Diaspora" would he regain it by attending?. The time is comming when we Dominicans will speak again in the ballot box. I sincerely hope the peoples voice will be heard loudly.
Jude Nicholas
Labour Party Supporter.
PS to everyone, please save the personnal vilification.
Nicholas you are missing the point entirely.This not about Roosevelt Skerrit, this is about the Prime Minister of Dominica. The PM of the day happens to be Mr. Skerrit and not Mr. Green or Ms Pestina or anyone else. I would write a similar article if it was Mr. Green or anyone else if the situation warrants it-Dominica first not a strong man or madam.
Why should the PM be intimated by folks who talk ill about him? You are talking nonsense. He is the leader -----------or is he?
Your man could remain a high school teacher living happily ever after and no one would mention his name except his students and their parents. He is now the elected leader of our country and this is too much of an important position to get a free ride. Can we have a conversation on a higher altitude? Democracy is at work here my friend----can you dig it?
Note: I am happy you can wear your party’s badge with honor--- and you should-that’s what I am talking about----democracy at work- and thanks for saying who you are---we are friends from now on I hope…… personal attacks here just respectful gentlemen and gentle ladies disagreements and agreements.
I suppose we can all agree to disagree.
E. Finn
Why should the PM be intimated by folks who talk ill about him? You are talking nonsense. He is the leader -----------or is he?
Your man could remain a high school teacher living happily ever after and no one would mention his name except his students and their parents. He is now the elected leader of our country and this is too much of an important position to get a free ride. Can we have a conversation on a higher altitude? Democracy is at work here my friend----can you dig it?
Note: I am happy you can wear your party’s badge with honor--- and you should-that’s what I am talking about----democracy at work- and thanks for saying who you are---we are friends from now on I hope…… personal attacks here just respectful gentlemen and gentle ladies disagreements and agreements.
I suppose we can all agree to disagree.
E. Finn
I know Dr. Finn very well, he is full of it, but we ought not to look at the messenger, too many times the messages get lost because of focus is on the messenger, he is also gulity of that, but that does not mean that we cannot see the value of what he is saying.. A lesson he himself must learn! He is so full oh so full of it, but see the value in what he is saying even is he does not see value in what others he doesn't like are saying.
Finish, stop your nonsense. You people villified the man for days upon days and you expect him to come and shake hands with you snakes and crabs and take picture and make pretend.
Finn, Finish, whatever, just finish with your hated filled writing.
Finn, Finish, whatever, just finish with your hated filled writing.
Oh God! Open the minds and eyes of my people. Make them see what they need to see, and critically analyze what them come to their conclusions and make their deceions on. The revolution PEACEFUL AND NON-VIOLENT) will not be televised and the people will be liberated!!
Dr. Finn
It is you who is missing the point and deliberately so. You and your colleagues have vilified and savaged the character of PM Skerrit in every way possible using any available means. I can only say to you that he is human with blood running through his veins.
I can assure you that no Prime Minister of any Caribbean State would attend such conference under the prevailing conditions. What could he have said to redeem himself before your? He has been accused, charged and comdemmed by you guys without a thread of evidence.
I can tell you that Labour Party rank and file along with the thousand of party supporters would be very dissapointed if the PM had attended such "so called Conference"
We support him stronger for this move. This is my final take on this.
By the way Dr. Finn you have failed to answer the questions posed in my earlier Blog. Could you please answer?
Jude Nicholas
Proud Labour Parter Supporter
It is you who is missing the point and deliberately so. You and your colleagues have vilified and savaged the character of PM Skerrit in every way possible using any available means. I can only say to you that he is human with blood running through his veins.
I can assure you that no Prime Minister of any Caribbean State would attend such conference under the prevailing conditions. What could he have said to redeem himself before your? He has been accused, charged and comdemmed by you guys without a thread of evidence.
I can tell you that Labour Party rank and file along with the thousand of party supporters would be very dissapointed if the PM had attended such "so called Conference"
We support him stronger for this move. This is my final take on this.
By the way Dr. Finn you have failed to answer the questions posed in my earlier Blog. Could you please answer?
Jude Nicholas
Proud Labour Parter Supporter
Dr. Finn was not at the New York Confernce. He bailed out at the last minute. He was not at the Dominica conference either. What the writes is heresay. By the was Dr. Finn maybe you can tell us what has happened to Dr. Sam Christian.
Congratulations Emanuel on another fine, incisive article!
I am humbled by all the attention over the absence of the "Christian Brothers." There is even rumours that I apologized to the PM. For what? I suppose folks are holding their breath for some "letter" or recorded phone conversation to prove that.
I stand by what I said regarding good governace. No one can say they were not invited to present their ideas or defend their position at the conference if they wanted to. I am satisfied that our countrymen and women are continuing to push for responsible leadership greater accountability. It is encouraging that our critics both in and out of government recognize that.
Gabe and I are not pawns. We will continue to work with all Dominicans and duly elected leaders regardless of party. We trust that we will always conduct ourselves by the highest ethical standards. We have jobs and responsibilities. We believe that we need to focus our energies more on constructive development and LESS ON TALK. We respect and love our country and remain fully convinced of its tremendous potential. Stay tuned and just watch for the evidence of our commitment, just like so many dedicated individuals and groups throughout the Diaspora.
Respectfully yours,
Sam Christian
I am humbled by all the attention over the absence of the "Christian Brothers." There is even rumours that I apologized to the PM. For what? I suppose folks are holding their breath for some "letter" or recorded phone conversation to prove that.
I stand by what I said regarding good governace. No one can say they were not invited to present their ideas or defend their position at the conference if they wanted to. I am satisfied that our countrymen and women are continuing to push for responsible leadership greater accountability. It is encouraging that our critics both in and out of government recognize that.
Gabe and I are not pawns. We will continue to work with all Dominicans and duly elected leaders regardless of party. We trust that we will always conduct ourselves by the highest ethical standards. We have jobs and responsibilities. We believe that we need to focus our energies more on constructive development and LESS ON TALK. We respect and love our country and remain fully convinced of its tremendous potential. Stay tuned and just watch for the evidence of our commitment, just like so many dedicated individuals and groups throughout the Diaspora.
Respectfully yours,
Sam Christian
In the World over invitations are given,there is nothing in writing that say the P.M. has to attend everything he is invites to. is there? Our P.M. did not attend the meeting.,Did the P.M. have another engagement, the P.M. is a very busy man why do you all think he is oblige to attend everything he is invited too, the Better Dominica Unity Team chose a day set their agenda then invite the P.M. and his Government, did they check the P.M.'s diary , they TELL the P.M. what to do and where to go. Who are these so call people calling for UNITY, we Dominica home and away are United, they are the ones now coming with this crap about bringing Dominican home and away together, Pls they are the ones trying to DIVID US .
Dr, Sam could you please tell us what you mean by less on talk? Do you believe the UPBD conference in Dominica was usless talk as you seem to imply.. Dr. Sam you and Gabriel highjacked a group with people of good intentions for you own selfish motives, when you didn't get what you think you would get from it, you backed off in not a very appropriate manner.
What do you actfully think about the conference that Dr. Finn is praising, the one that you are responding to right now.. Was is necessary? was it good? was something achieved? Was it ALL TALK Dr. Sam? it is not in your heads alone God put brains Dr. Sam, people can figure out for themselves exactly what the situation is. Don't blame others for you mis-calculations, although you may well, you made some seriuos mis-calculations and admit it!
What do you actfully think about the conference that Dr. Finn is praising, the one that you are responding to right now.. Was is necessary? was it good? was something achieved? Was it ALL TALK Dr. Sam? it is not in your heads alone God put brains Dr. Sam, people can figure out for themselves exactly what the situation is. Don't blame others for you mis-calculations, although you may well, you made some seriuos mis-calculations and admit it!
The Prime Minister could have done the dignified thing at least!! Say that he cannot make it!! Those apologists who come here just speaking from under their feet, need to think of what they are saying before they say it. These kinds of irresponsible, uninformed, blatantly dishonest remarks cannot be helpful in any way shape or form.
Jude I think whatever I say you will still not get it- so let’s move on and agree to disagree. You are proud Labour Party supporter and I want to thank you for that. But just know that at the end of the day it will have to be Labour, Freedom and UWP supporters---all hands on deck to save our country in this global village age. That means being candid, fair and when disagreements appear seek the common good and dialogue. It does not mean you will change minds but you might change hearts. We all want our leader to succeed believe it or not proud Labour party supporter----'is that too much for you to handle?’ As Dominicans we can all start the negotiations in agreeing that we all love our country------then lets take it from there. No question, a lot of things have been said about the PM and I suppose that it has to hurt at some juncture.
But my friend that is what leadership is all about—some how you fail to realize that—it has its privileges and also its high responsibilities. The job of an effective leader is to talk to and bring if you may ‘warring factions’ together. Running a country is no joke and he/she has to be surrounded by level headed and honest people who have – ‘get this’ the interests of the country as the number one item on the agenda.
Now if he PM could not attend the meeting because maybe he could have been tired from a very punishing work schedule- why he did not send his Foreign minister and or the Minister of Diaspora affairs? Jude I hope you are just a supporter and not an advisor to the PM because it is exactly people like you who have kept us in that stalemate of partisan politics and divided our people and country. It is a new day and it’s high time to demand from our leadership not just what we want but to do the right thing.
To the blogger who asked about my absence at the NYC and Roseau conferences and second hand information. - Well Sir we all have families, jobs and other commitments and cannot jump on a plane and head elsewhere at anytime. I hope you can appreciate the reality of that----- Just for your information, at the NYC conference my topic was rural development. I presented it at the 2006 South East Reunion at the Delices School.
I could not attend the NYC conference because I was on the west coast in Portland, Oregon all week and my flight arrived very late into Baltimore in the wee hours of Saturday morning. . Turning around and driving five hours from DC to NYC was virtually impossible. But wait------- hearsays---the live conference proceedings was all over the internet and radio.
E. Finn
But my friend that is what leadership is all about—some how you fail to realize that—it has its privileges and also its high responsibilities. The job of an effective leader is to talk to and bring if you may ‘warring factions’ together. Running a country is no joke and he/she has to be surrounded by level headed and honest people who have – ‘get this’ the interests of the country as the number one item on the agenda.
Now if he PM could not attend the meeting because maybe he could have been tired from a very punishing work schedule- why he did not send his Foreign minister and or the Minister of Diaspora affairs? Jude I hope you are just a supporter and not an advisor to the PM because it is exactly people like you who have kept us in that stalemate of partisan politics and divided our people and country. It is a new day and it’s high time to demand from our leadership not just what we want but to do the right thing.
To the blogger who asked about my absence at the NYC and Roseau conferences and second hand information. - Well Sir we all have families, jobs and other commitments and cannot jump on a plane and head elsewhere at anytime. I hope you can appreciate the reality of that----- Just for your information, at the NYC conference my topic was rural development. I presented it at the 2006 South East Reunion at the Delices School.
I could not attend the NYC conference because I was on the west coast in Portland, Oregon all week and my flight arrived very late into Baltimore in the wee hours of Saturday morning. . Turning around and driving five hours from DC to NYC was virtually impossible. But wait------- hearsays---the live conference proceedings was all over the internet and radio.
E. Finn
Dr. Sam your egocentricity and that of your brother handicaps whatever it is you want to do for Dominica. Somehow you guys have this attitude of entiltement, and you surly cannot handle rejection and opposition of your ideas and your ORDERS very well. You don;t have to be in the LEAD at all times to get things done, and people do not have to do what you get them to do all the time.
Happy you that you realize you don't always have to be in the lime light to do things. It is not about you and your brother Dr. Sam, nor any individual, it is greater than all os us.
Happy you that you realize you don't always have to be in the lime light to do things. It is not about you and your brother Dr. Sam, nor any individual, it is greater than all os us.
Dr. Finn, you were vigorously camapigning for Dr. Sam, with your the Dr. Sam I know (Who of course you don't really know) articles, Dr. Sam jumped ship after a devastating mis-calculations and you jumped that ship to, it didn;t take time for you to hop on Ron's ship thereafter, if you can't see people can see all through these shenanigans I would have to conclude that you are in a world of delussion. Do not under estimate the people's intelligence.. It would surprise the lot of you to know that other people besides you guys have brains and can deduce things very, very, well, even some of us who don't know what iside of a university looks like. Far less for those of us who know and don't flaunt it around.
Wow! I was thinking about that to, glad someone brought it up. Them egomaniacs really think that they can use people as the horses that pull the golden chariots they had built for themselves. People's brains are not for havesting learned Doctors.
To the blogger who wrote that Dr. Finn is so full of it you couldn't be more correct. All he yaps about is whose z'enfant he marry. If you did not know better you would think he marry some Duchess or Countess daughter. Please already.
That is a minute insignificant part of it.. All his articles about his love for his village, and his people, and his stories about his experiences with the locals as a young man boy blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!! Lies, Lies, Lies, and more lies, Dr. Finn does not care for lesser mortals like the people of the villages he comes from, he has always been someone who craved DESPERATELY to hang with the big boys. From our days in school at Grammer School, I knew that, when he left Lapliane very early---Very early after graduating and went to the USA, that was it with him and the lesser mortals he left behind.. I just read his stories an have a hearty laugh.. Dr. King reminds me of the guy on fooled Oprah and America with his ficticious life story.
Wow you guys are funny- where did you get all those false impressions of me?
Anyway I just want to tell the blogger who said that I supported Dr. Sam and now I jumped to Ron. I have always supported Ron and I hope and pray he become our next PM God willing. If he does not win then I have no problem accepting and living with the fact that his opponent won 'a free and fair' election. Life goes on and this is Democracy big man style 'youall'.
See the article link above- I wrote the article before Sam announced the RLP-I had no knowledge of that. I wrote that article out of my respect for Sam--Please read- Sam and I struggled together while we were preparing ourselves for the world in a strange land.
I hope we can talk and play politics here and leave family out of it. Say what you want politically- that is fair but please don't cross the family boundary.
Finally I see some of my La Plaine people are in the house'----That's good and I would like to let them know that it is always a pleasure to return to that wonderful community- and of course also to the red dirt of Jalousie , Castle Bruce where my dad hails from.
God Bless Dominica--all agree???????
Wow you guys are funny- where did you get all those false impressions of me?
Anyway I just want to tell the blogger who said that I supported Dr. Sam and now I jumped to Ron. I have always supported Ron and I hope and pray he become our next PM God willing. If he does not win then I have no problem accepting and living with the fact that his opponent won 'a free and fair' election. Life goes on and this is Democracy big man style 'youall'.
See the article link above- I wrote the article before Sam announced the RLP-I had no knowledge of that. I wrote that article out of my respect for Sam--Please read- Sam and I struggled together while we were preparing ourselves for the world in a strange land.
I hope we can talk and play politics here and leave family out of it. Say what you want politically- that is fair but please don't cross the family boundary.
Finally I see some of my La Plaine people are in the house'----That's good and I would like to let them know that it is always a pleasure to return to that wonderful community- and of course also to the red dirt of Jalousie , Castle Bruce where my dad hails from.
God Bless Dominica--all agree???????
I agree Dr. Finn your family should not be dragged into this. Let's just call you out, and put things straight. Granted Dr. Finn, you maybe it should be more accurate to say that you dumped Ron and jumped on Dr. Sam's band wagon, but when Dr. Sam realized what a fouis pais he had made and withdrew just as abruptly as he had come in, you quickly turned back to Ron. Fair enough?
Now on your going back to Laplaine and Castle Bruce periodically as a tourist, to show you people how great you have become, what have you done for any of these communities? How many books have you donated to the schools, what have you done for your relatives in Laplaine? Have you helped any of them? I would have asked have you conducted a dental clinic in any of your communities, but I know better than to ask that. What have you initiated as a project in Laplaine? What have you given back to the village you love so much Dr. Finn?
You are surprised Laplaine is in the house, why are you, if it was up to you, you would be the only one in Laplaine to have accomplished something in life, so you could stand out as the only one, the most important one who hailed from La plaine.
So you can here writing all the stuff you do at the expense of the lesser mortals of Laplaine remember we have access to the internet to, and we know better.
Now on your going back to Laplaine and Castle Bruce periodically as a tourist, to show you people how great you have become, what have you done for any of these communities? How many books have you donated to the schools, what have you done for your relatives in Laplaine? Have you helped any of them? I would have asked have you conducted a dental clinic in any of your communities, but I know better than to ask that. What have you initiated as a project in Laplaine? What have you given back to the village you love so much Dr. Finn?
You are surprised Laplaine is in the house, why are you, if it was up to you, you would be the only one in Laplaine to have accomplished something in life, so you could stand out as the only one, the most important one who hailed from La plaine.
So you can here writing all the stuff you do at the expense of the lesser mortals of Laplaine remember we have access to the internet to, and we know better.
Oh! Oh! You guys have Dr. Finn in the hot seat! Dr. Finn you look kind of on the defensive, not a good position to be in. Is there some truth to what is being said here Dr.? You ask where did they get the FALSE impression of you? Doc I will not add my contribution to it, not because I care for you, nor respect you, nor do I think that the comments are unfair, I just don't want to make it worse for you. You will never know why! Don't ask I will not tell.
In September 2001, Finn lead a team of U.S dentists to Dominica and provided Free dental care to students at the La Plaine, Boetica and Delices Schools as well as adults and children at the La Plaine Health Center for a week. He looks forward to the future where he will be able to make more policy (not political) contributions to Dominica. Finn's advice to his countrymen and compatriots is try to contribute as much as you can to our island home inspite of the discouraging, petty and divisive politics. Dominicans should always remember that Dominica belongs to Dominicans where ever we find ourselves and regardless of the length of time we have been away from our island.
We owe a dept of gratitude to our communities in Dominica for the love, compassion, caring and discipline, which they afforded us. Finn says, to whom much is given, much is expected. As expatriates, we have a right to speak out and meddle in the affairs of our island home. At the same time, it is imperative that we offer and assist with concrete solutions and not just offer criticisms and condemnations of our political, police, trade union and civilian leaders. In fact, we should strive to work with the democratically elected government, opposition and trade unions. We need them all in order to ensure that our country continue to function as a democracy in spite of tough challenges.
We owe a dept of gratitude to our communities in Dominica for the love, compassion, caring and discipline, which they afforded us. Finn says, to whom much is given, much is expected. As expatriates, we have a right to speak out and meddle in the affairs of our island home. At the same time, it is imperative that we offer and assist with concrete solutions and not just offer criticisms and condemnations of our political, police, trade union and civilian leaders. In fact, we should strive to work with the democratically elected government, opposition and trade unions. We need them all in order to ensure that our country continue to function as a democracy in spite of tough challenges.
Anonymous@7;55 PM lets get back to the issues that the article raiased if you can? --That is the central issue and that is what is important from my perspective and I suspect from the perspective of clear thinking and rational folks. Can you have a dialogue, debate and discussion on that? Can you?
All the other 'personal stuff' coming from you are your opinions and my response is--'all is fair in love and war!!!!'You are NOT elevatIng the discussion here- The world is changing and lets attempt to change--AT LEAST how we debate and discuss issues. There is a much bigger picture out there my friend.
All the other 'personal stuff' coming from you are your opinions and my response is--'all is fair in love and war!!!!'You are NOT elevatIng the discussion here- The world is changing and lets attempt to change--AT LEAST how we debate and discuss issues. There is a much bigger picture out there my friend.
Oh Oh My Bad Dr. Finn, you lead a team of American dentists? Forgive my ignorance, how many years of dental practice do you havr Dr. Have you even practiced dentistry in America? Where and When Dr.? I think this qualifies as part of the discussion, this is not personal. But if you really collected and LEAD a team of American dentists to Dominica to give free clinics I commend you on this one.
Dr. the reason I say this is you cannot criticize Skeritt for his behavior because you would have done the same based on what I know about you, I am tempted to go into it but I will resist this temptation, the best way to come to that kind of conclusion is to judge from how one deals and interacts, and rejects and looks down upon his own people, I mean his blood!
Yes Dr. Finn you are full of it for real, the person who wrote that, must know what I know
Dr. the reason I say this is you cannot criticize Skeritt for his behavior because you would have done the same based on what I know about you, I am tempted to go into it but I will resist this temptation, the best way to come to that kind of conclusion is to judge from how one deals and interacts, and rejects and looks down upon his own people, I mean his blood!
Yes Dr. Finn you are full of it for real, the person who wrote that, must know what I know
Ok people relax on the brother Nuh! How the man chooses to deal with his people is his business, if the man beleives his people are not up to ,his standards that they are too low for him to be bothered with and he doesn't give a damn about them, that is his choice, but he still has a right to his opinion, let's not look at the man, he is what he is, check out what he is saying. I see where you people are coming from, a man who is not united with his own people cannot ask people to unite as a nation. But relax on the brother. I don't care for him, I don't respect him, but I can dig what he is saying.
Zapper ... them folks hard on them Doctors Finn & Sam Christian. Man, I staying out of that! Dem Doctors like Willie & Para before them - should run for cover! You see Sam ducking ... Finn not learn yet.
Caka fete nor
Caka fete nor
What is all that foolishness about DR Finn. For the person who asked, the good doctor took a team of dentists to Dominica some time ago to provide free dental treatments for hundreds of villagers in the East.
Now can we focus on the politics and not on individuals. We like crab in a barrel. Bringing down our own people. Let's stop that behavior!!!
Now can we focus on the politics and not on individuals. We like crab in a barrel. Bringing down our own people. Let's stop that behavior!!!
Dr. Christain made a serious mis-calculation, but he was smart enough to back off early in the game, Good for the Doc! He may have meant well, but got a little overzealous, you know that instant gratification thing, he moved too quickly with not ennough due deligence, that's another story.
Dr. Finn, yeah Dr. Finn what can I say about Dr. Finn maybe he means wells to, what do I know? LOL
Dr. Finn, yeah Dr. Finn what can I say about Dr. Finn maybe he means wells to, what do I know? LOL
Jason what do you know? Do you know Dr. Finn? How many hundreds of people were treated again? What was their treatment? Fillings? Root carnals? Bridges, Crowns? Cleanings? Extrations?OOOOOOCH! Glad I was not one of those fortunate people.
Zapper and Anymouous I think it is time to ‘out you’---Anyone who follows that board will know who Zapper is and for this posting she also masked as Anonymous several times.
That blogger tried to cut down Dr. Finn for no good reason except maybe she is mad with him- she is made with the whole world. Shirley Allan I don’t know what the La Plaine relationship or ‘beef’ is with Emanuel neither do I care. Emanuel has moved on with those simplicities and in spite of the strides he has made in life through hard ward he has never lost sight of where he came from. I have known Emanuel and his family for the past ten years more and he is a very decent and dignified man. He constantly speaks of where he comes from and looks forward to one day when he can make more of a contribution to this community. Shirley you even tried ridicule what he did by bringing a team of dentists to the South east and he and his colleagues proving care to the folks----that’s his experience –what’s yours? I could no longer sit back and watch you try to take down this man with your viral stuff.—you are nothing but bad news and trouble.
Whether he chooses to ‘take you on’ is his personal decision. I suspect that he has too much to loose to pick a flight with you. - Regardless of blood or family connections--he knows what he is doing. But don’t come here in a public forum and try to cut him down-----He can take a political punch just as hard as he can dish out- I like when he answered you that ‘all is fair in war and love.’ He is a dignified man and I am sure he does not care who you are hiding behind that mask because he thinks bigger about ideas and larger things.
The sad thing is that the article he wrote tried to authenticate the very group of which a part are of and which he supports as a matter of principle. Good luck with your group and I hope it not only survives but succeeds— with you in the middle –boy –good riddance----just like you try to break up DAAS with your behaviour. Then again anyone who knows Shirley Allan is not surprise at her behavior and these postings--- Then you can now call the radio Stations in Dominica bad news Shirley---------- You are dismissed. Now you can talk, talk ‘parley, parley’—that’s what you do best Shirley.- shame shame!!!!!
That blogger tried to cut down Dr. Finn for no good reason except maybe she is mad with him- she is made with the whole world. Shirley Allan I don’t know what the La Plaine relationship or ‘beef’ is with Emanuel neither do I care. Emanuel has moved on with those simplicities and in spite of the strides he has made in life through hard ward he has never lost sight of where he came from. I have known Emanuel and his family for the past ten years more and he is a very decent and dignified man. He constantly speaks of where he comes from and looks forward to one day when he can make more of a contribution to this community. Shirley you even tried ridicule what he did by bringing a team of dentists to the South east and he and his colleagues proving care to the folks----that’s his experience –what’s yours? I could no longer sit back and watch you try to take down this man with your viral stuff.—you are nothing but bad news and trouble.
Whether he chooses to ‘take you on’ is his personal decision. I suspect that he has too much to loose to pick a flight with you. - Regardless of blood or family connections--he knows what he is doing. But don’t come here in a public forum and try to cut him down-----He can take a political punch just as hard as he can dish out- I like when he answered you that ‘all is fair in war and love.’ He is a dignified man and I am sure he does not care who you are hiding behind that mask because he thinks bigger about ideas and larger things.
The sad thing is that the article he wrote tried to authenticate the very group of which a part are of and which he supports as a matter of principle. Good luck with your group and I hope it not only survives but succeeds— with you in the middle –boy –good riddance----just like you try to break up DAAS with your behaviour. Then again anyone who knows Shirley Allan is not surprise at her behavior and these postings--- Then you can now call the radio Stations in Dominica bad news Shirley---------- You are dismissed. Now you can talk, talk ‘parley, parley’—that’s what you do best Shirley.- shame shame!!!!!
Ha!ha!ha! back to Shirley on BEHALF of Doctor FINN!!! This anonymous thing is amazing! I just love it! Iwill not go into that DAAs thing, there will be too much that I will have to say on that. I will just leave it alone! As far that crap about My COUSIN Dr. Finn who I know more than anybody else on that board I will leave that alone to. As for whether Dr. takes me on or not. He knows that I don;t give a damn about that to, I will not even go into the history of my cousin and ma, he knows it, he knows who used to supply the letters that he needed from Dominica to help him get what he need to get when he was persuing his doctorate.. That's all I will say on Dr. Finn, I would advise whoever it is who feels that he/she has to confront me on behalf of Dr. Finn to stay out of family matters just as Dr. Finn suggested.. Don't bring family into this..
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
Shirley Allan
I wonder why someone who thinks he/she is so precise with his/her analysis of things would not attache their name boldly to what they write? That person pretends to know everything about Shirley Allan's thinking, her motives and behaviors, Blah! Blah! Balh! and that person thinks he/she know everything about Dr. Finn wrong on both counts. Is this a quid pro quo? You scratch my back I scratch yours? Looks so to me. If that person is a or was member of DAAS which I suspect he she is or was, he/she really do not want me to get into that DAAS things. You know I can do excatly what this Mr. or MS anonmymous is doing here, but I choose not to.
Let the men on honor shine!! I will take the fall for DASS so that the men of honor can shine and be glorified. Just want you people to know that there is a distinct diffrence between honor and virtue! By now you people should know that if there is one person on earth who does not care about what you think and speak of me is ME!
Because guess what I have come to KNOW that not one of you is better than me in any way shape or form, and whatever you accuse me of being or doing you are 10 times worse and have done 10 times worse than I have done. Please do not tempt me, please! Thank you
Shirley Allan.
Let the men on honor shine!! I will take the fall for DASS so that the men of honor can shine and be glorified. Just want you people to know that there is a distinct diffrence between honor and virtue! By now you people should know that if there is one person on earth who does not care about what you think and speak of me is ME!
Because guess what I have come to KNOW that not one of you is better than me in any way shape or form, and whatever you accuse me of being or doing you are 10 times worse and have done 10 times worse than I have done. Please do not tempt me, please! Thank you
Shirley Allan.
Way pa pa ... look beth nor. Them people washing their dirty laundry in public we ... Zapper you seeing that? Look they accuse you of being Shirley Allan! So much mess!
Reppaz, the person who so called outed Shirley Allan, must think he/she is a Perry Mason Genius who just solved a big mystery.. Hurah! I can just imagine how he/she came to that conclusion
One who speaks truth to power-Shirley Allan
One who tells it like it is-Shirley Allan
One who spends time of the internet
One who is from Laplaine and knows the Dr. Quite well-Shirley Allan
One who is related to him-Shirley Allan
One who has no tolerance for crap and hypocricy-Shirley Allan
One who dosen't care for the Dr. Very Much-Shirley Allan
One who is no body's fool-Shirley Allan
One who is vocal-Shirley Allan
One who most would love to hate-Shirley Allan
One who doseen't give a damn-Shirley Allan
One who bows to no one-Shirley Allan
YEAH!!! BINGO!! It must be Shirley Allan,
We need a few more Shirley Allans around, especially when it comes to speaking truth to power, I know how how hate that and they despice me for it, but why what- Shirley Allan just dosen't care!
Shirley Allan
One who speaks truth to power-Shirley Allan
One who tells it like it is-Shirley Allan
One who spends time of the internet
One who is from Laplaine and knows the Dr. Quite well-Shirley Allan
One who is related to him-Shirley Allan
One who has no tolerance for crap and hypocricy-Shirley Allan
One who dosen't care for the Dr. Very Much-Shirley Allan
One who is no body's fool-Shirley Allan
One who is vocal-Shirley Allan
One who most would love to hate-Shirley Allan
One who doseen't give a damn-Shirley Allan
One who bows to no one-Shirley Allan
YEAH!!! BINGO!! It must be Shirley Allan,
We need a few more Shirley Allans around, especially when it comes to speaking truth to power, I know how how hate that and they despice me for it, but why what- Shirley Allan just dosen't care!
Shirley Allan
You want to shut me up? The only way you can do that my dear fellow Dominican is to kill me! I know that many of you would love to do that. May I ask what has Shirley Allan done to you guys that is so Egregious? I have an idea what it is all about, but I would like to hear it from your own mouths. You Just hate that woman! You would do naything o take her out! Right?
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