Sunday, June 7, 2009

'Bobol' and Dominican society

By Dr Emanuel Finn

The root of what we call ‘Bobol’ (corruption, kickbacks /cover ups) is found and is pervasive in the structure of Dominican society. This practice by those in power and have access to power hasn’t abated with modernization, the internet and a greater openness to the world.

It is one of the factors which hinder economic growth, prosperity and development in developing (Third World) countries such as ours.
garbage bin
Bobol like the more recent arbage bin scandal is pervasive in Dominican society.

In the 40s and mid 50s during the construction of the trans-insular road, the first motorable road project across the island, which connected villages between Marigot and Roseau, it did not escape bobol by high ranking government officials.

In the late 60s the cultural group the Sifleur Montagne Choral recorded a popular folk song which tried to expose the bobol which was occurring during the Trans-insular project.

The song speaks to the large and pervasive degree of bobol that occurred during the road project when construction reached the area known as Norway (for its low temperatures) just outside Belles in the interior by high ranking administrators. ‘Let’s sing the song -in patois’: ‘If you were in Norway what would you do? ----I would buy an aero-plane’. ……In spite of the alleged corruption, no government officials were investigated or charged.

Accusations and perceptions of embracing various models of corruption and corrupt behavior have been leveled against most governments in Dominica with the exception of that of Premier Leblanc and Dame Eugenia Charles.

Despite being accused of bobol, no high government official or business person has been charged, indicted, convicted or held responsible in these administrations. Is this a double standard?

People who are at or near the bottom of society and commit simple crimes such as stealing are usually punished to the full extent of the law. On the other hand, bobol as it is understood and defined culturally is reserved for powerful and important people in high office and with high social standings.

They are usually untouchable by the justice system. Bobol and stealing are defined and punished in our society differently from a legal, political, socioeconomic and class standings.

This reminds me of the Solomon Cleaver’s historic novel, Jean Val Jean. The story starts in 1815 in Toulon, France, when 19 year old peasant Jean Val Jean was sentenced to five years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving sister and her family.

Val Jean was an ordinary man and not part of French Bourgeois Aristocracy. His crime was theft and not 'bobol' therefore mercy, grace and compassion were not applicable to him.

Both the Val Jean story and the situation in Dominica with the latest bobol scandals today examine and should remind us of the nature of law and it expounds on society, politics, justice or lack thereof.

Yes in Dominica we have many modern day ‘Jean Val Jeans’, who are products of our decaying and culturally eroding society. Also because of the choices they make as a result of their own characters.

We also have many persons in high standings who will continue to commit bobol along with their conspirators and opportunists. These ‘acrobats’ know that chances are they will never stand before a judge in a courtroom or a spend a day in jail on these charges in spite of society’s outcry.

Bobol (not theft) is always tolerated by those who need government services and are permanently trapped in dependence. To support corrupt regimes, politics uses corruption as an effective vehicle to buy, keep and get easy votes, keep opponents in check and maintain power.

"Respectable” individuals will receive and condone payoffs and bobol when it suits their purpose and still hold their collective noses and condescend to those in political life. There is no joy in these stories. It is a lose/lose for society at large and everyone.

People should care about corruption, no matter what the party or color and creed of the corrupt leadership. Corrupt politicians and people take the path of least resistance and their real creed is the ideology of self. Corrupt politicians and people are found in every political party, race, religion, or creed.

What corruption does is, it eats away at the fabric of society. Corrupt politicians and faux leaders have destroyed and are destroying many countries and communities.
Is corruption wrong? Does it matter the party of the crook? If one is so partisan and can't see corruption, it is just wrong.

When that does happen then we will get the kind of third world cess pool that causes millions of Mexicans to voluntarily migrate, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Cambodia and other hell holes.

Those countries that rein in at least the worst cases of official or unofficial corruption the quickest they will reap the benefits of the New Global Economic Expansion. If you don't believe me, look at what's happened with Singapore with its extraordinary developments which has very little or no corruption.

As compared with its neighbour Indonesia or our neighbour Haiti which have grinding poverty, human rights atrocities, cascading and cancerous decadence and mayhem.

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I am minded of the hymn "on the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand" Sklerrit the fool is up to his neck in a quagmire of deciept and corruption and he has begun his journey to hell good ridance sooner the better, standing stiff in a barrel of beef is to good for this lot of mobsters put em all in the dock now, they had robbed us once to often now it's our turn, right always wins in the end and Skerrit is going down for the third time and we all know what that means he must go
Although coruption may have always existed, the Skerrit administration has taken it to a new unparalleled level, and this simply should not be allowed to continue.
So Skerrit wants to bring George back next to the corrutpt ways adopted by him this is his first very big mistake, have you all forgotten that this character has been fired twice for wrongdoing, it is plain that Skerrit needs to re arm himself to secure his teetering administration with bad people who know all the tricks of how to further their ill gotten gains, problem is they do not have the brain power to conduct themselves, they do not have the perfect criminal know how for if he did nothing would have surfaced, nothing would been remotely reportable, bunch of novices playing big. judging from the tone of his belicose talk it seems he would welcome civil unrest he had better be quiet or he may get his wish, I hope not but he just can not keep winding people up.
Garson, all you making me laugh in Dominica wee.. This traitor,this opportunist Charles Savrin is the star of the labor party,in bed with Cuba, and communist leaning Chavez.. Not I find anything wrong Chavez and Castro it, but do we remember why Dominica under Eugenia Charles and Charles Sarin was involved in Grenada? Do we? Do we remember what Charles Savrin did in Dominica in 1979 for similar reasons to what is happening to Dominica today? These people will never ever get my respect, say what you want about Ron, but no one can say he is corrupt even if he was there was the alleged corruption of UWP was taking place.. Maybe the reason why Timothy and Loreen and all the other UWP opportunists in labor party are in it today, is perhaps the UWP and all its members were cleared of the corruption they were accused of,and if this is not the case,it raises some more serious questions. That I hope will be raised some time.. Dominicans, don't get emotional with Skeritt and his tears.. Use you head, the one the God gave you to think with.. Use it.. Don't allow these masters of deception who have robbed your treasury blind to get to your heart strings.
Dominica is on its way to hell in a hand basket. Can you imagine that Ambrose George, the TWICE fired minister (fired both by Pierre charles and Skerrit), has been voted by the Labour Party heirachy to be Deputy leader of the Party?

God forbid something happens to Skerrit a completely crooked individual, money launderer etc. will become PM. Where is our moral outrage in Dominica?

What have Dominicans done to deserve this kind of disrespect from the PM and his supporters.
Yesterday in La Plaine Skerrit was throwing red meat at his base and they were eating it all all up. My my my people—he even cried—my god what a Barabbas---H cried because he got emotional that he got with his hands in the cookie jar and he is still denying it. He cried because now the whole world knows the real Roosevelt Skerrit---‘volar’ of Dominica’s tax payers’ money. That is why he was crying- he wanted his base to think that he is the victim when he is nothing but the perpetrator—what a hypocrite!!!!! Will the real Roosevelt Skerrit declare himself? Yes it’s me a magician pulling wool over our peoples faces so that cannot see. Yes that me Roosevelt Skerrit- a volar as well.

I was very disturbed that this besieged PM is inciting riot in Dominica telling his base take their amour and fight and bla… bla… Ra…. Ra…… and crocodile tears coming down. Who this man things he is fooling –yes his base which includes Savarin, Maynard and others—what a sad day for Dominica.

If you read the early beginnings of Hitler and the Nazi movement in Germany before he consolidated full power ---I am afraid Skerrit is acting in a very similar fashion.—Pray for DA and pray that this man looses the election and goes about his business. Skerrit is bad news for Dominica. A vote against Skerrit is a vote for Dominica.

Please don’t call Savarin’s name- he has no where to turn- he has lost all his dignity and now he does not have a choice –he is trying to survive -poor fellow- apply your basic Christian principles when referring to him-he needs compassion.
It is just so clear what the Labour Party stands for. Integrity does not matter. Skerrit is involved in all scandals and there they go blindfolding themselves, blocking their ears and following the Red Wagon. It should come as no surprise that Ambrose George was elected as Deputy Leader - I was shocked at first; but I realised it is was a Labour Party Convention - anything goes.
There will be civil unrest for sure and certain and it is a sad day for Dominica to have to witness such a pitiful display of false emotion, he yet again showed and demonstrated his toal and full disregard for public opinion, he has shown that a disgraced twice fired George is back this person only escaped prison in the USA because of his diplomatic passport he was the bag man the carrier of the dollars Giraud went down with the others, just think about it what a perfect ally for Skerrit, using his Diplomatic passport he can be Skerrits bag man and help to make them all richer. in Skerrits mind it is the perfct choice to make the obvious one. but this time rest assured we will be the invisible all seeing eye. the vote of no confidence has to be proposed and lodged now, they are on the run and as you see by the choice of George they have blundered and badly, flying in the face of public opinion is the first step towards their downfall, and it will be, you cant treat Dominicans as if we are blind deaf and dumb with no thought process or will, Dominicans throughout time have shown and have demonstrated the highest levels of intelligence and excelled in many fields, never take anything for granted Skerrit and his camp are on the ropes lets keep it that way, and get this complaint into the IPO now grbagegate alike to watergae was he downfall of Nixon as it will be with Skerrit, and we have yet to have the Fertiliser gate sacndall which will close the lid on this bunch permanantly.
skerritt you lost your way resign today i say, ease the pain because tommrow you will be on the high way hell
charles saverin and eugenia charles made the us bomb Grenada, complaining about the international airport the communist Cuba was building for grenada .But look at saerin now up with chavez and communist cuba. CHARLES SAVERIN is opportunist
It is time for us to set up institutions can truly function independently. This is the only way we will be able to rid our country of corruption. A judge should be able to take this case up withou having to wait for goverment to assigne them to this task. There should be real seperation of the judicial and the executive power.
life is never what you make it for yourselves, not in every case it rather what others make it for you but only if you allow it, by none action shrugging of the shoulders saying well it's normal for Dominica we can never beat them at corruption it is the way it is and it always will be might as well let em get on with it. any Dominican brother or sister who thinks this way is as bad as the purpertators of this blatant wrong doing and you deny yourself and that of your children the chance of a better life, you do not deserve to be so badly treated, only you can put a stop the evil in our midst no one else but you, the last twenty four hours has demonstrated clearly what some honourable mebers of Skerits bandits think and this will grow, some are begining to appreciate that in the end they just might get into trouble, and the public smiles are seen through like a pain of glass, pain is the right phrase to use for it wont be us that is in pain only the guilty, mental pain mental anguish believeing that by meeting in numbers in a false show of criminal brotherhood will save them from the long long long arm of the law will protect them, rubbish if they have half a brain deep down they know what the truth is they know what we as Dominicans think of them, their days are numbered the writing is on the wall and the Skerrit house will come crashing down, down in the dust and they will end up, in stock farm.
Shine Jesus Shine Fill this land with your hope and glory Shine jesus Shine set our hearts on fire, these are the words of a hymn a very modern one sung in churches across the USA to the UK and even as far as Africa, it carries with it the beacon of trust and of faith of righteousness and hope which in these dark evil days we as Dominicans need, with right on our side and leaving religion out of the equasion form our humble perspective right will win, look at what happenrd in the city the other day withches and their evil craft how many spectators were worried, this evil is in our life every single moment of every single day,do not think that the light of Jesus is not present and with us for if you dont then you are mistaken brothers and sisters MISTAKEN witchcraft, criminality, disregard for the press and public opinion who guides the hand of Skerrit and his gang who? for sure and certain it is not Jesus he has no hand in wrongfulness, the vote time is approaching you have to make your choice witchcraft or faith in God or God our Saviour our light so that he may direct us so that we under proper government can be nothing but pleasing to the LORD Our God, and drive evil from our midst brothers and sisters you know well what to do.
this has made me think Ambrose serves the communion wine to us does this this mean thatI am under the spell of witches I will cahnge my vote
This sjkerrit speech to his party as you would expect he talks about everyone will be under the microscope, his own party is already under this and he does not like it one little bit, the speech was agressive insulting and very bad for someone who HOPES OR THINKS HE WILL WIN he says god is on their side, god dont get messed up in scandal bobol bingate and the list is growing, he insults god by saying that they do it in his name and with his blessing this is the first and sure sign of insanity when you believe your own lies,

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