Friday, April 17, 2009
Dominica Unity and Progress Conference in New York
By Joan Bellot
Dominicans from all over the globe are coming together for a Unity and Progress conference to plan the way forward through meaningful dialogue, and in an effort to help create a prosperous and progressive country.
The event, which is scheduled to take place from 8:30 a.m at the United Church of Jesus Christ 3936 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466, New York , April 25, 2009, will provide an opportunity for participants to submit substantive ideas, recommendations, and suggestions in helping to make a difference in Dominica.
The conference will focus on how best to better engage Dominicans at home and abroad in making a meaningful contribution to Dominica’s social, economic and political progress. Organisers of the event stress that discussions are to be carried out in a non-partisan manner and the participation of persons of all political persuasions is encouraged.
A panel comprising speakers from a cross section of the Dominican Diaspora including Dr. Sam Christian, Thomson Fontaine, Judge Irvin Andre, Shirley Allan, Hendrix Pierre, Gabriel Christian, and Dr. Emmanuel Finn will lead the discussions.
The decision to hold the conference has been largely motivated by the slow pace of economic development in Dominica, escalating social pressures manifested by an increase in crime, the decline in good and accountable governance, and the failure of successive governments to meaningfully engage Dominicans overseas in the national development process.
More importantly, Dominicans at home and abroad are deeply troubled that the country is being represented overseas by non-nationals of questionable character, and that the very sovereignty of the country is being threatened by secret deals made with major foreign powers.
Increasingly, Dominicans are being disowned in that the commanding heights of our economy reside outside the control of locals, with the resultant disregard of the national interest and of scant benefit to our people.
In such a critical hour in our country’s history, and at a time of global economic challenge, we desperately need patriotic Dominicans who can set aside their differences and work together for the common good.
There will be live reports from Dominicans living in various countries and the event will be carried live by Q95 FM to a world wide audience. Books by Dominican authors will be available for sale. A social event in the evening will also provide a unique opportunity for business networking and for promoting a lasting bond between the people of Dominica.
At the conclusion of the conference, a declaration will be prepared outlining the major areas of agreement and highlighting proposals with clear guidelines for promoting social, economic, and political progress in Dominica. A declaration will also be made on the current state of affairs in the country combined with suggestions for addressing key areas of concern.
Everyone interested in Dominica and in playing a more active role in the country’s future direction is encouraged to come out and participate. Interested individuals should reply to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
Dominicans from all over the globe are coming together for a Unity and Progress conference to plan the way forward through meaningful dialogue, and in an effort to help create a prosperous and progressive country.
The event, which is scheduled to take place from 8:30 a.m at the United Church of Jesus Christ 3936 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, NY 10466, New York , April 25, 2009, will provide an opportunity for participants to submit substantive ideas, recommendations, and suggestions in helping to make a difference in Dominica.
The conference will focus on how best to better engage Dominicans at home and abroad in making a meaningful contribution to Dominica’s social, economic and political progress. Organisers of the event stress that discussions are to be carried out in a non-partisan manner and the participation of persons of all political persuasions is encouraged.
A panel comprising speakers from a cross section of the Dominican Diaspora including Dr. Sam Christian, Thomson Fontaine, Judge Irvin Andre, Shirley Allan, Hendrix Pierre, Gabriel Christian, and Dr. Emmanuel Finn will lead the discussions.
The decision to hold the conference has been largely motivated by the slow pace of economic development in Dominica, escalating social pressures manifested by an increase in crime, the decline in good and accountable governance, and the failure of successive governments to meaningfully engage Dominicans overseas in the national development process.
More importantly, Dominicans at home and abroad are deeply troubled that the country is being represented overseas by non-nationals of questionable character, and that the very sovereignty of the country is being threatened by secret deals made with major foreign powers.
Increasingly, Dominicans are being disowned in that the commanding heights of our economy reside outside the control of locals, with the resultant disregard of the national interest and of scant benefit to our people.
In such a critical hour in our country’s history, and at a time of global economic challenge, we desperately need patriotic Dominicans who can set aside their differences and work together for the common good.
There will be live reports from Dominicans living in various countries and the event will be carried live by Q95 FM to a world wide audience. Books by Dominican authors will be available for sale. A social event in the evening will also provide a unique opportunity for business networking and for promoting a lasting bond between the people of Dominica.
At the conclusion of the conference, a declaration will be prepared outlining the major areas of agreement and highlighting proposals with clear guidelines for promoting social, economic, and political progress in Dominica. A declaration will also be made on the current state of affairs in the country combined with suggestions for addressing key areas of concern.
Everyone interested in Dominica and in playing a more active role in the country’s future direction is encouraged to come out and participate. Interested individuals should reply to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
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Why is Dominica so slow in progressing ahead as some of our caribbean nabouring island, is it the the lack of forsight by our goverment or is it because we does not have what it takes to moved our country forward or lacked of money there must be an answer, Dominica is a verry verry beautyful Country, but there must be some kind of progressing developement going on in Dominica so as we can keep some of our young people working in Dominica
place of birth New-Town, Dominica
now resides in Baltimore
place of birth New-Town, Dominica
now resides in Baltimore
You must stop holding disruptive conferences in the name of progress.if you really want to help dominica,Setup a bussness in the country and provide employment.This goes to all the organisers.
From a true Dominican
From a true Dominican
Many of us have great ideas for progress, but too much red tape and "who you know" mentality in control in DA. We must change our mindset if we are to move forward.
I believe that this type of conference is long overdue. I plan to be there to make my contribution to Dominica's development.
The True Dominican anonymous who is suggesting that the disruptive conferences be stopped and business and employment shoule be started instead of conferences I as a Dominica have an idea for that individual, Why don't you TRUE Dominica got ahead and start the businesses, create the emplyment and allow those who want to do the conferences do what they think is necessary? The same way you think the orginzers should do it, don't you think you the TRUE Dominican can do it to? To the organizers and I say Kudos to you my Dominican compatriots you are doing good. We NEED this.. Thank so much for the opportunity to take a good look at what is actually going on in our country.. A Blue Blood Dominican! I will be at the conference
Anonymous who are you? Stop your nonsense on this board. I know who you are Mr So-called Journalist...well one who is singing (to uncle Skerrit)for his super. I think it is time to 'out you'-----last warning.
This is a forum for ideas, discussion and exchange and not for your small minded nonsense. What bone did Uncle Skerrit threw at you this week?
This is a forum for ideas, discussion and exchange and not for your small minded nonsense. What bone did Uncle Skerrit threw at you this week?
While the efforts ar bringing Dominicans in the Diaspora together to discuss how they can contribute to the development of their land of birth, the premises offered for the staging of the Dominica Unity and Progress Conference" may not create the atmosphere that could be necesary for productive, objective and non-partisan discussions.
One gets the impresion that there are a few individuals who are bitter because they do not have the access to or influence on the political directorate to get what THEY want and wish to have a forum for them to vent their bitterness. How else could one explain the often repeated comment by one of the panelists listed, which curiously appears in the story above: that "increasingly, Dominicans are being disowned in that the commanding heights of the economy reside outside the control of locals, with the resultant disregard of the national interest and of scant benefit to our people". Is that sentiment based on the award of a contract for the exploration of Geothermal resources in the South of Dominica to a non-Dominican company and not to the company in which Dr. Christian has an interest?
I sincerely hope that participants in the proposed Conference will be prepared to put their personal ambitions and egos aside and engage in objective discussions, all in the interest of Dominica.
One gets the impresion that there are a few individuals who are bitter because they do not have the access to or influence on the political directorate to get what THEY want and wish to have a forum for them to vent their bitterness. How else could one explain the often repeated comment by one of the panelists listed, which curiously appears in the story above: that "increasingly, Dominicans are being disowned in that the commanding heights of the economy reside outside the control of locals, with the resultant disregard of the national interest and of scant benefit to our people". Is that sentiment based on the award of a contract for the exploration of Geothermal resources in the South of Dominica to a non-Dominican company and not to the company in which Dr. Christian has an interest?
I sincerely hope that participants in the proposed Conference will be prepared to put their personal ambitions and egos aside and engage in objective discussions, all in the interest of Dominica.
Will someone please tell me what is the main objective of this conference? What happens after? Is this in support of the UWP or the formation of a NEW POLITICAL party or simply to get Mr. Skeritt out? I'm confused. Please state the real purpose of this meeting. I do plan on attending.
I want to hear about tourism and the need for an International Airport. As a young person in Dominica hmm, I want a better future. Dominica needs more investment from Europe and USA. We need more jobs, better salaries and security from crime. Mr Skerrit needs to removed from office 2010. The Chavez and Dominica relationship is a dangerous one. The UWP and DFP need some young men and women to become the next Ministers, Prime Minister with inspiration from Pres. Obama. I am sicj and tired of seeing old, grey haired politicans who are well past their prime in Dominica still fooling the public that they can still deliver. I want more young politicans who are 20-30 years old not RECYCLED OLD FACES!!!!!!!!
I will attend and plan to help nation-build Dominica if thats what the organizers have planned but I will be the 1st to walk out the min. any member of the pannel start any political tone or Dominican government (no particular party) bashing! Further, I hope that the pannel do not have plans to take us in the Diaspora for fools and bring up any talk seeking personal gains!
This meeting can be a great thing for Dominica or the death of great groups like DAAS and others as many of the pannel are top memebers! Lets have a fruitfull meeting for the sake of Dominica.
This meeting can be a great thing for Dominica or the death of great groups like DAAS and others as many of the pannel are top memebers! Lets have a fruitfull meeting for the sake of Dominica.
Unfortunately many of us, your neighbours to the north will not be able to attend because of short notice. We in Canada are very concerned about our beloved country and would like to be part of this discuss. Why wasn't the CDOA informed so a special trip could be arranged.
This is a great move. I commend the organisers and wish them every success for the good of our country! I will be there....
So, is this the Rosie Douglas Foundation posse re-banding under a new name? Are they making use of the term "reduce, re-use, recycle"? Whatever came out of the big symposium held in New York a few years ago? Is the Foundation still operational? I'm just curious.
The Symposium was a great success. As a result of the symposium, a thorough policy paper was presented to government detailing who the Diaspora can help in DA' s development. Despite words from the PM, he has done nothing to act on it.
Also, a complete propsal for a Diaspora bank was presented to the Ministry of Finance. Again, and despite showing the necessary capital for the bank they refused to grant a license to their own people.
The symposium also created DSEC that made the bid for the geothermal exploration, which again was rejected by government.
What more should we do?
Also, a complete propsal for a Diaspora bank was presented to the Ministry of Finance. Again, and despite showing the necessary capital for the bank they refused to grant a license to their own people.
The symposium also created DSEC that made the bid for the geothermal exploration, which again was rejected by government.
What more should we do?
This International conference in the Bronx has become something of a lightening rod. Many people passionately support it, others are bitterly opposed. We are pleased with this response. We look forward to stimulating constructive debate which can lead to a shift from the old politics to a brighter future of solid development for Dominica.
We deeply regret all those who feel they were not invited; notices were sent out a month ago. We felt it was important to schedule the conference in a timely fashion because of a general dispirited acceptance of the status quo. Meanwhile many Dominicans appeared to be complaining of the political bribery in open sight and other gross instances of disgraceful conduct.
We welcome everyone's participation electronically as we bring together a global audience of Dominicans for direct, real-time interaction with the panel speakers. We insist that discussions be conducted in a mature and dignified fashion becoming of Dominica. Hopefully yours will be one of the powerful voices to emerge that will help steer our country in the right direction.
Dr. Sam
We deeply regret all those who feel they were not invited; notices were sent out a month ago. We felt it was important to schedule the conference in a timely fashion because of a general dispirited acceptance of the status quo. Meanwhile many Dominicans appeared to be complaining of the political bribery in open sight and other gross instances of disgraceful conduct.
We welcome everyone's participation electronically as we bring together a global audience of Dominicans for direct, real-time interaction with the panel speakers. We insist that discussions be conducted in a mature and dignified fashion becoming of Dominica. Hopefully yours will be one of the powerful voices to emerge that will help steer our country in the right direction.
Dr. Sam
Symposium Organizer you asked "what more should we do?" Only one thing left to do: encourage Dominicans in the diaspora to influence their families and friends back home to vote these BUMS out of office and restore honesty and integrity to the Cinderella of the Caribbean that one day she can eventually go to the ball like the other islands.
How do we make our country strong and successful?
We would need our people to come together in unity, Bon Koudmen! We need to develop our economy and improve the lives of our people; we need political stability and the talents of leaders who have the best interest of our country at heart.
We must protect and defend our sovereignty for we are a people of a proud heritage. We must preserve our original cultural traditions, our shared Kweyol/language, traditions and beliefs that set us apart from others; the culture that we acquired from our parents, their parents before them……………and other family members.
Let us as a people get back to teaching the young people our culture and values. Let us give the young people a voice in the development of Dominica, let us use these young resourceful minds to help shape the future of Dominica. Let us prepare them for the future, for they are the future: teach them about alternative energy, green building, sustainable developments and environmental protection and preservation.
The Dominican International Conference in New York on April 25, 2009, will set the foundation whereby we can come together with one voice to help make our country strong and successful.
We would need our people to come together in unity, Bon Koudmen! We need to develop our economy and improve the lives of our people; we need political stability and the talents of leaders who have the best interest of our country at heart.
We must protect and defend our sovereignty for we are a people of a proud heritage. We must preserve our original cultural traditions, our shared Kweyol/language, traditions and beliefs that set us apart from others; the culture that we acquired from our parents, their parents before them……………and other family members.
Let us as a people get back to teaching the young people our culture and values. Let us give the young people a voice in the development of Dominica, let us use these young resourceful minds to help shape the future of Dominica. Let us prepare them for the future, for they are the future: teach them about alternative energy, green building, sustainable developments and environmental protection and preservation.
The Dominican International Conference in New York on April 25, 2009, will set the foundation whereby we can come together with one voice to help make our country strong and successful.
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