Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dominica childrens book festival April 3, 2009
The first Special Education Classroom Project in a Dominican primary school will host a Children’s Book Festival to mark the end of literacy week and the second phase of the project.
This pilot project was an initiative of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Jamie Alleyne-Sorhaindo of ACCELERATE – The Behaviour & Learning Clinic.
It was established at the Goodwill Primary School (GPS) – the largest primary school on the island, which serves the communities of Tarish Pit, Gutter Village, Yam Piece, Fond Cole, and Stockfarm among others.
The aim is to eventually decentralize and provide the special needs service to other communities in Dominica.
The project seeks to aid students, who have a wide range of exceptional needs, maximize their learning potential and go on to succeed in school and the rest of their lives, as they grow to become contributing citizens of Dominica.
Many of the students come from very difficult backgrounds, which contribute to their challenges in learning. The Project’s team is working hard at providing a warm, fun, and engaging school environment to promote their all-around wellbeing.
It is with this in mind, that they have organized a Children’s Book Festival to be held at the Goodwill Primary School auditorium on Friday April 3rd, 2009 under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency, The President, Dr. Nicholas J.O. Liverpool.
The book festival is to be hosted by the special education classes and will encompass storybook theatre, poetry, art, dance, storytelling, and much more.
The opening ceremony and performances will take place from 9AM to 10:30AM, and the booths will open from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.
An invitation is extended to all primary school students, parents, and other members of the community. For further information, persons may inquire at [email protected].
This pilot project was an initiative of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Jamie Alleyne-Sorhaindo of ACCELERATE – The Behaviour & Learning Clinic.
It was established at the Goodwill Primary School (GPS) – the largest primary school on the island, which serves the communities of Tarish Pit, Gutter Village, Yam Piece, Fond Cole, and Stockfarm among others.
The aim is to eventually decentralize and provide the special needs service to other communities in Dominica.
The project seeks to aid students, who have a wide range of exceptional needs, maximize their learning potential and go on to succeed in school and the rest of their lives, as they grow to become contributing citizens of Dominica.
Many of the students come from very difficult backgrounds, which contribute to their challenges in learning. The Project’s team is working hard at providing a warm, fun, and engaging school environment to promote their all-around wellbeing.
It is with this in mind, that they have organized a Children’s Book Festival to be held at the Goodwill Primary School auditorium on Friday April 3rd, 2009 under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency, The President, Dr. Nicholas J.O. Liverpool.
The book festival is to be hosted by the special education classes and will encompass storybook theatre, poetry, art, dance, storytelling, and much more.
The opening ceremony and performances will take place from 9AM to 10:30AM, and the booths will open from 10:30AM to 12:30PM.
An invitation is extended to all primary school students, parents, and other members of the community. For further information, persons may inquire at [email protected].
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