Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Dominica Catholic Church tackles the men’s crisis
In what is being dubbed “a sustainable approach to the men’s crisis”, The catholic Men’s retreat is being Held at the Point Michel Church, for The first time since Point Michel and Soufriere became Part of the Southern Vicariate of the Church.
Commencing this Monday at 63opm, and continuing until Friday, men from the Parishes of St. Alphonsus, Cathedral, Fatima, St. Lukes, and St. Marks are expected to attend this year’s retreat in large numbers, under the theme “Disciples on Mission, Gifted and Called”.
According to the President of The Cathedral Branch of the Dominica Association of Catholic men, Norris Prevost, “this year’s Catholic Men’s retreat Marks the beginning of a renewal of catholic men, again taking up their leadership roles in their families, their Church, and their Communities.”
The retreat master will be Fr. Carl Haynes from Grenada, supported by local priests from the Vicariate, Fr. Vanty Auguiste, Episcopal Vicar, Monsignor Reginald Lafleur, and Father Charles Martin Dean, of the Cathedral.
Special prayers for doctors, businessmen, media workers, calypsonians, and musicians
According to Chairman of the Retreat organizing Committee, Donald Rolle, “This year’s Retreat will have a special Flavour. On each night of the Retreat, special prayers will be offered for a Special Category of Men.
In other words, the Church will be giving special recognition to all categories of men, including those who may have felt a bit left out in the past. In so doing we hope that these men will recognize and take up their leadership roles, en Church, in family and in Communities. “
“On Monday special prayers will be offered for businessmen professionals, and Politicians, Tuesday for Policemen, Teachers and Public Servants, Wednesday for contractors, builders, tradesmen, fishermen, farmers, technicians, taxi and truck drivers, Thursday for Trade Union Leaders and members, Port workers, security men clerks, daily paid workers and the unemployed, whilst on Friday, the last night of the retreat, the special prayers will be for Media Workers, DJs, Calypsonians, Musicians and song writers.”
Contact: Norris Prevost – 275 3420; email; [email protected].
President Dominica Association of Catholic Men
Donald Rolle- 235 2368; email : [email protected], Chairman Retreat Committee.
Fr Vanty Auguiste: 448 8536; [email protected], Episcopal Vicar.
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