Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Death Announcements in Dominica for September 2009

Desmond Philip Stewart (Neck One) , age 62 of Grand Bay. He is survived by his children and other relatives.

Enid Anatol, age 87 of Penville. She is survived by her children, grand children and other relatives.

Maria Oliver (Ma FiFi) , age 89 of Goodwill. She is survived by her children and other relatives.

Angela Joseph (Ma Tartan), age 80 of Boetica. She is survived by her children and other relatives.

Joseph Abraham Graham (Uncle Joe) , age 83 of Roger. He is survived by his children and other relatives.

Germaine Valerie, age 50 of Savanne Pie. She is survived by her parents and other relatives.

Euford George, age 67 of Salisbury. He is survived by his wife, children, grand children and other relatives.

Christopher Christian Maximea, age 73 of Morne Rachete. He is survived by his children and other relatives.

Noelise Veronic Vigilant, age [ ] of Delices. She is survived by her children and other relatives.


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