Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dominica Death Announcements February 22 – March 4, 2009

Frank Williams, age 55 of La Plaine. He is survived by his children and numerous other relatives.

Tyrone Dyer, age 63 of Newtown. He is survived by his children, grandchildren and other relatives.

Hermine Gabriel, age 79 of Colihaut. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Josephine Andrew (Fif), age 38 of Soufriere. She is survived by her parents, one daughter and her siblings.

Weldona Maria George, age 72 of Fortune. She is survived by her brothers, daughters and other relatives.

Patricia Frampton Royer (Pat) , age 76 of Roseau. She is survived by her children and other relatives.

Josephine Defoe, age 97 0f Petite Savanne. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Nicholas Laville, age 76 of Atkinson. He is survived by his wife, children and numerous other relatives.

Raphael Alfred, age 79 of Castlebruce. He is survived by numerous relatives.

David Errol, age 63 of Portsmouth. He is survived by his children and numerous other relatives.

Valance Blaize, age 27 of Pte Mitchel. He is survived by his parents and other siblings.

Maria Isaac, age [ ] of Dubique. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Thomas Whyke, age 67 of Roseau. He is survived by his children, sisters, nephews, neices ands other relatives.

Oliver Bethel (Trini) , age 66 of New town. He is survived by numerous relatives.

Cecil Sylvester Daisy, age 72 of New Town. He is survived by numerous relatives.


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