Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Announcement of Deaths February 8 - 14, 2009

Mable Elizabeth Wiltshire Prevost (Ma Benoit), age 85 of Castle Bruce but residing in Boston. She is survived by her children, grand children and numerous relatives.

Lucilia Edna Jean, age 63 of Riviere Cyrique but residing in Antigua. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Evelyn Lucille Magloire (Nen), age [ ] of Portsmouth who died in Boston. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Charles Austin Cuffy (Charlie), age 65 of La Plaine. He is survived by his wife, sister, brother, children and other relatives.

Sherma Yolande Douglas, age 35. She is survived by her parents, one son, sisters, brothers and numerous relatives.

Mariette Hodge, age 67 of Canefield. She is survived by her children and numerous relatives.

Heskeith Joseph Vidal, age 83 of Salisbury residing in the United Kingdom. He is survived by his children and numerous relatives.

Steven JnoBaptiste (Rampoo), age 43 of Pointe Mitchel. He is survived by his brothers, parents, sisters and many relatives.

Alstine Dorsette, age 52 of Marigot. She is survived by her children, siblings and many other relatives.

Anestasie John, age 98 of Dubique, Grand Bay. She is survuved by numerous relatives.

Theresa James (MoMO), age 84 of La Roche, Delices.She is survuved by numerous relatives.

Irid Andre Balthazar (Exson), age 72 of Petite Soufriere. He is survived by his wife, children and other relatives.


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