Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Announcement of Deaths - February 1 - 8, 2009

Janice Etienne (Ago), age 76 of Petite Savanne. She is survived by her son, grand children and other relatives.

Josephine James (Ma Jophine), age 98 of LaRoche, Delices. She is survived by numerous relatives.

Shanilia Sanford, age 19 of the Carib Territory. She is survived by a child, her parents, siblings and numerous relatives.

Angelica Agnes Thomas, age 48 of Salybia. She is survived by her parents, and numerous relatives.

Una Mcpherson (Ma Une), age 94 of Massacre. She is survived by her grand children and other relatives.

Justine Madeline Abraham , age 89 of Tete Morne. She is survived by her children, grand children and other relatives.

Joselyn Abraham , age 89 of Grand Bay. She is survived by her children, grand children and numerous relatives.

Theodore Douglas Bellot, age 83 of Goodwill. He is survived by his children and other relatives.


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