Thursday June 16, 2011

Announcement of Deaths in Dominica June 2011

Joseph Paul, age 76 of Dos Dane. He is survived by his wife, children and other relatives and friends.

Chris Vidal, age 40 of Layou. He is survived by his parents, child, siblings and other relatives and friends.

Elisa Silvan Martin, age 90 of Portsmouth. She is survived by her family members and other relatives and friends.

Elford Joseph Bruno, age 78 of Woodfordhill. He is survived by his family members and other relatives and friends.

Emanuel Alleyne (Rapatar), age [ ] of Goodwill. He is survived by his children and other relatives and friends.

Mavis Jules, age 85 of St Joseph. She is survived by her children, grand children and other relatives and friends.

Julia Bannis (Carboweh), age 72 of Castlebruce. She is survived by her family members and other relatives and friends.

Casian Webster, age 13 of Vielle Case. He is survived by his parents, grand parents, siblings and other relatives and friends.

Peter Henderson, age 81 of Grand Bay. He is survived by his children, grand children and other relatives and friends.

Samuel Prince (Lima), age 50 of Grand Fond. He is survived by his family and other relatives and friends.


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